Great! My code is
Do you mean Magnemite or Magneton? Magnezone isn't in Genetic Apex.
Hi, I can trade my full art squirtle or weezing for lapras. Do you have a preference?
My code is 3583-8619-8595-7419
I added you. I have poliwhirl. Do you have Dugtrio (2 Diamond - Genetic Pikachu)?
Do you mean Magnemite or Magneton? Magnezone isn't in GA.
can you sendo send me a gyarados ex?
looking for a GA Magnezone! Please let me know what you are looking for and I will see if I can make the trade! My friend ID is 1101-1121-0090-5933
I have vaporeon and areodactyl EX! Do you have 3 diamond victreebel or raichu / Machamp EX available?
Np, thanks as well!