Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for:
3 diamond lapras and victreebel (Genetic Apex)
Machamp EX (Genetic Apex)
3 diamond vaporeon, omastar, dragonite, arcanine, gyrados, magneton, hpyno, mewtwo, nidoqueen, venusaur, butterfree, alakazam, gardevoir, and golem.
EX Pikachu, Marowak, Arcanine, Blastoise, Zaptos, Mewtwo, Wigglytuff, Gyrados, and Aerodactyl
Friend Code: 3583-8619-8595-7419
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Looking for Butterfree 007, Nidoking 171, Ditto 205 or Aerodactyl 210 (3 diamond rarity English).
Can trade for Beedrill, Exeggutor, Flareon, Moltres, Articuno, Greninja, Eelektross, Nidoqueen, Serperior, Vaporeon (MI), Mew, Golem (MI), and Marshadow.
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Hi all,
I'm trying to finish my Genetic Apex collection. I'm looking for 3 star Butterfree, Poliwrath, Muk, and Weezing. Also looking for 2 star Poliwhirl.
Can trade for any other 3 or 2 star cards you may need to complete the Genetic Apex collection.
Friend ID: 5740-4823-3783-0491