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The trading system is atrocious

It's awful, I get that you guys have to make money somehow on an app but this is straight terrible. What's the point of calling it a TCG when you de-incentivize your players from trading?? The whole point was for us to collect and connect with others and to trade and you guys somehow made it the exact opposite. The stamina part was expected cause it is just like the other parts of the game, but adding the tokens as a requirement made everything about this app fall flat. If the trading system doesn't change by next update I'm deleting and telling my other friends to drop it.



  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Agree, the way to obtain trading tokens it's ridiculous… and at 1st you can't even ask for the card you need?! lol instead you send to a friend a card you don't need... nonesence.

    Not to mention trading 3 diamonds and above requires too many tokens, this cards are from older packs why make it that expensive to trade, I mean it's a trade you also lose a card with the same rarity... it's not like you are getting rare cards for free!

    Also this means flair will be even less used, players will prefer to consume duplicates for trading tokens then flair.

    Just remove trading tokens entirely or reduce the cost and add a decent way to get the tokens.

  • Prometheus333
    Prometheus333 Member Posts: 2
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    This is a premature reaction from the player base, we should really be waiting on how much mission events give the trade tokens before we complain.

    The restrictions are there because there are ways to abuse the system.

    The last event gave out 3850 shinedust total, if they replace those rewards with trade tokens, it'll likely be just fine.

    We'll see what happens on the next event, if not enough trade tokens are given as rewards then it's a problem.

  • Peskiez
    Peskiez Member Posts: 1
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    • proportion in order to sacrifice cards to obtain cards is beyond madness. i’d rather keep 1* for the premium store ticket.
    • still not having 2* available is wrong on so many levels that a “trading card game” should not have as an issue. they should be possible since from the beginning, up to immersive cards too later on.
    • why i can’t thrash 1diamond+2diamond even for a bit? why i must keep all those dupes? a currency is necessary for either F2P and P2P. let us convert them all too.
    • why do i have to convert 1 card at time? this whole game functionality for all these repetitive operations is outdated and senseless. let quantities be selected freely for everything like other decent games.
    • stamina recover is a joke, it will take weeks for just a trade in case of necessity 😂
    • again, no way i’ll burn 4/5 EX cards just to have one back or a second copy for battles (that doesn’t even have a ranked chart.

    calling trading Niche is a compliment, this is just useless

  • Lavender_Town2
    Lavender_Town2 Member Posts: 1
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    Trading is useless as is. Take it out of the title of the game and call it pocket card game.

  • Tomblunt
    Tomblunt Member Posts: 1
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    I created an account just to say I will delete the app if trading is implemented as is.