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Not receiving Battle Pass experience points

I have not been receiving battle pass experience points for winning games against people or turning in daily quests, but am still receiving experience points towards trainer level and ladder XP


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,616 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Yes, this is happening for a while… still not fixed.

  • RetroX89
    RetroX89 Member Posts: 1
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    Yep just happened to me again sigh.

  • Mod_Ember
    Mod_Ember Moderator Posts: 59 mod
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    Hello @rHamb0ne. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and I appreciate you sharing the specific details of the issue you're experiencing regarding still receiving experience points however you are not receiving battle pass experience points.

    I recommend reporting this directly through our official channels by opening a ticket with the support team. You can do so by visiting  https://support.pokemon.com/ then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link. From there, click "Contact Us." 

    If you have any more questions or encounter other issues, please feel free to reach out!

  • Perfect_Jab
    Perfect_Jab Member Posts: 99 ✭✭
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    Yep, havent been recieving exp points an STILL not getting rewards for everytime i level up. Ridiculous. Ive sent several tickets an keep asking if anything is being done about this, since i level up everyday. Nothing! Reapond back an tell me they havent come up with a way to resolve the problem. Keep playing an not getting the rewards an no answer if i will even get whats lost.

  • Fjorn
    Fjorn Member Posts: 2
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    Just happen to me, lost like 800points from quest and winning the match…

    What the heck, why You dont fix this?!?!?