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Is there an official term that categorises game mechanics like Mega Evolution and Z-Moves?

Splatdude Member Posts: 9
First Comment Name Dropper First Anniversary

Gen 6 introduced Mega Evolution.

Gen 7 introduced Z-Moves.

Gen 8 introduced Dynamax/Gigantamax.

Gen 9 introduced Terastal.

These all have a lot in common and I feel we are highly likely to get another one in the next generation. But what are they called? As in. Is there an official term that categorises all of them. The closest to a fan-made term for them seems to be something like gimmicks, which I don't like as gimmick feels too general, lots of stuff can be called a gimmick and these are something more specific. Without a term that categorises them all, talking about them is more annoying, so I want to know if such a term exists.


  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 391 ✭✭✭
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    There isn't an official term from Pokemon to categorize stuff like that but the term that embodies these game mechanics is called a gimmick.

  • Splatdude
    Splatdude Member Posts: 9
    First Comment Name Dropper First Anniversary


    Too bad there isn't an official term for it then. Having an official term would be good, since we are likely to get more.

    As for calling them gimmicks. Like I said, it is true that they are gimmicks, but simply calling them gimmicks does not feel specific enough as many other stuff can also accurately be called gimmicks. If it is up to the fandom to make a fan-made term for this, perhaps something better can be thought of.

  • WildWorld1996
    WildWorld1996 Member Posts: 93 ✭✭
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    I mean, whatever the fandom comes with may very well become official if there isn't an official term yet. GameFreak has picked up on a couple of fan-made terms already, such as "Shiny Pokémon" and "Eeveelution". That being said, I do agree that the term "gimmick" could very easily refer to several things, due to being so vague.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    If they stuck around longer than a generation or two and were better refined and implemented, I might be tempted not to call them gimmicks.

  • Splatdude
    Splatdude Member Posts: 9
    First Comment Name Dropper First Anniversary

    Personally, here is my own idea for a fan-made term for these. "Single Super Button Mechanic". Just what I'd go with if I have to make up a name.

    Here are just some things that they all have in common:

    • They have a lore focus in their debut Region.
    • They have relation to at least one Legendary Pokémon from their debut Region.
    • They do some kind of temporary super effect during a Pokémon Battle.
    • Visually extravagant.
    • Usable only once per Pokémon Battle.
    • Activated via a prominent menu option during the player's Turn in a Pokémon Battle.
    • Some important NPC Trainers use them during a Pokémon Battle.


    It is cool that "Shiny Pokémon" and "Eeveelution" were made official terms. Plenty of the most commonly used fan-made terms are really good, some of which would be nice to have become official. I'd just like a good term, regardless of if it's fan-made or official.


    True. They certainly are gimmicks. I would like to see them do the idea better in the future, as they are clearly going to continue making them. With the next upcoming game, Mega Evolution really feels the most prominent of all of them. Fitting since Mega Evolution is the first of them. Interestingly in gen 7 we had Mega Evolution and Z-Moves in one game, showing that in that case only one can be used. Imagine having to choose between the four we have now if they kept that idea. Good thing it would choosing only one, since all four at once would be crazy yet amazing to see at the same time.