When will Expanded be fully available on TCG Live?
I don't expect AAA quality, just a game that have the basic features that the previous client had.
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I feel as though I got bait and switched when I transferred over from PTCGO...
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Pokemon %??& bunch of clowns.
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It's free? Those pokemon cards cost a lot of money. Are you serious? Like this company is giving us something free. They make so much money that this free online should be taken for granted. How do you think it costs to produce a card and how much profit do they make out of it is ridiculous. I stopped buying cards after a few packs.
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Stop speaking with your bad language, please!
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Most of the money made doesn't go to them, and even if it did thinking that means millions can just go into a project that gives nothing back is delusional.
I don't feel like going into the whole TPC vs TPCi thing again, though. You guys always have some kind of nonsense rebuttal. Just ask yourself why the difference between Live and Pocket is so stark.
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@TechHog I understand that people can make some bizarre claims and assumptions about the client and various companies associated with the development and monetisation of the TCG app. We can't even seem to agree who makes it, who manages it and who profits from it.
But I feel your thought process often stops short of the logical conclusion that might bridge the gap between your position and the people you find yourself arguing with.
The app is underdeveloped, with bugs and missing features. Everyone mostly agrees on that point, I think.
The app might lack direct in-app pack sales, but people can buy physical packs, and those packs include codes for digital packs. However much an individual may personally value those codes, and however much of the revenue from those sales actually makes its way to funding TCG Live, some of that money logically must reach TCG Live and its developers.
The app does not exist out of the goodness of a few developers' hearts, toiling away for free in TPCi's basement. People are paid salaries, servers are funded, electricity bills are paid, art assets are licensed...
I think the average user's contention is that that money is not enough. The app is undercooked, and more resources need to be dedicated to improving it.
But here you seem to resort to a thought terminating cliché. The app does not directly make money, and the people developing it do not decide where those funds go, so...
So what? Your thinking seems to end there, as if TCG Live's development (or lack thereof) were a fundamental law of the universe. It just is. There is no one capable of making decisions or reallocating funding. That is just the way things are.
And I do not think you are stupid or ignorant. You clearly have a lot of insight into the franchise, software development and the TCG.
Perhaps it is resignation to the status quo? Cynicism? This is the way things are, and the people in charge will never be convinced to change them, so complaining about it is fruitless. The game can never receive sufficient funding, the bugs will never be fixed and older sets and formats will never be added.
One thread is unlikely to change things. And we can debate the reasons and motives behind this state of affairs all day (we have often come to loggerheads over whether encouraging more people to play Standard is a motivating factor).
But I think if the issue is raised frequently enough and the people in charge (whoever they are and whichever Pokémon related corporation they work for) are made aware that people do care about the client and its features, changes and improvements can be made.
TCG Live's dire state is not an insurmountable challenge.
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Expanded gameplay enhances player experience, much like SASSA Status Check enhance students’ lives by providing financial support, ensuring they can focus on education and personal growth without undue stress (30 words).