Hisuian Arcanine Bug

The Irresistible Force ability on Hisuian Arcanine gets bugged where it forces me to move ALL energy from one Pokémon to Arcanine. The pop up with the “done” button disappears as soon as you drag and release an energy, and won’t reappear until you grab another to drag it. The Done button will only stay active once ALL the energy has been moved.
The ability says “move A energy, as often as you like”.
This doesn’t seem to occur every time, but I haven’t figured out which set of actions creates it. I play this Arcanine deck using the synergy with Galarian Zapdos
Upvote! It's a bug. I had to move all energies from all Pokemons to one Arcanine V. Doesn't sound like as I want...
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I was able to hit 'done' while the card was moving to Arcanine from another Pokemon, but there was a glitch that I could move the card anyway.
When I used The Irrestible Force once again, I could not attach any card and I had to concede.
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I have the same problem.