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New energy system

We all know how annoying it can be to wait for RNG to get the energy type we need.

Players are forced to play a single energy deck and perhaps can be flexible upto 2 energy further increasing the RNG of the game.

I would like to recommend a change in the energy system to fix this issue.

Perhaps we can have an option to select 3 energies for every deck and all 3 energies are displayed at the same time for every turn. You must pick any ONE energy and attach it to one of your Pokemon, this will remove the other energies making it one energy per turn. Next turn all 3 energies shall refresh again.

Why do this?

I believe this will make a lot of multi type decks and add more variation to the gameplay, less frequency of single typed meta decks and much more fun decks would come into play.

Side Note: Please introduce a dark mode and a toggle to remove animations.



  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,488 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Variance is a feature, not a bug. Playing multiple types is supposed to have a drawback. Otherwise everyone would just play the one idential pile of optimal cards.

  • blindfaeth
    blindfaeth Member Posts: 5
    First Comment

    That said, they could maybe give us control over how many of each we put into the deck. We each get a max of 15 turns, so it would be nice if I could specify OK I want 10 of those to be lightning and 5 water to manipulate the odds of getting what I want to draw.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,488 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @blindfaeth Giving players a little more control over their energy ratios is not unreasonable, but I would be very cautious about making accessing multiple types and energies consistently too easy.

    I suspect there will be trainer cards that let you add specific energies in the future, á la Misty (although hopefully a little less swingy). Something that lets you add a specific colour, but with a drawback, like only giving you colourless energy next turn or discarding a card or something.