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Why wont my redeemed deck from twitch appear in my game?

I got a deck folder thingy from twitch some day ago and I redeemed the code and claimed it and eveything. But it won’t show up in the game. And it says I’ve already redeemed the code when I double checked I got it. have this happend to anyone else?


  • Mod_Nova
    Mod_Nova Moderator Posts: 195 mod
    100 Comments 25 Likes 5 Agrees 5 LOLs

    Hi @Shushina! 👋 I recommend reaching out to our support team about this issue, as they will be able to help you directly with your account. Please submit a ticket by visiting support.pokemon.com - from there, click Pokémon TCG Live followed by "Contact Us" on the left side of the screen. Thank you!