New Poké ball designs

What Kind of Poke Ball designs you have in mind? My case, a Poke ball that can catch flying type pokemon and pokemon with high speed stat.
I mean most of the gimmicks have been done, maybe a ball for catching paradox mons or a ball for catching mons that can still evolve.
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I personally am not too keen on Pokémon Go, but I like the concept of putting a skill check on catching a Pokémon.
I know we all had that combo we heard on the playground to press when the ball closed on a Pokémon. (For me it was Right + B.) Maybe we could expand that concept?
What about a ball that worked like a regular Pokéball if you did nothing, but would throw up a combo prompt every time the ball shakes?
The combo could get longer and more difficult every shake and depending on the strength and rarity of the Pokémon. If you complete the combo, the Pokémon stays in the ball. If you fail, it is more likely to escape or escapes immediately, depending on its strength.
Players who are not good at the combo mechanic or did not want to engage with it could still rely on the regular balls. But those that wanted the challenge or a more interactive catching experience could use Combo Balls.
What do you think of my Combo Ball?
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What about a Magma Ball? Guaranteed high chance to catch a Fire Pokemon.
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A mystic ball very guaranteed to catch a psychic pokemon.
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A combo ball does sound interesting.
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I would do more than just mention ideas, I can draw the prototypes as well.