Earthen Vessel bug

I was playing ancient box when I ran out of cards in my deck, I attempted to use an earthen vessel to get more ancient cards in my discard to knock out my opponent's active Pokémon when I used my earthen vessel though, it stopped me from performing any actions on my turn so I automatically passed from being afk and promptly lost the game because I had no cards left in my deck.
I assume it must be an issue with it trying to bring up the card selection menu when I played it with no cards left in deck but I'd think that it would just stop me from playing it I've never tried that before maybe I'll test it and update this post if I can see if its reproducible.
As @TechHog said, you are not allowed to play a card like Earthen Vessel when there are no cards in deck.
But this is still a bug in Live. The game should not have allowed you to play Earthen Vessel in the first place.