Pokemon games or anime

Both is good.
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The cartoon series no longer has Ash Ketchup so games it is.
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I only watch the first season of the anime and some of the movies. I was only ever really into the games.
The manga I really like, though.
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I'll be an outlier by voting Anime here but only on a specific basis. Namely I can only really name one Pokémon Anime that is remotely better than the games they were meant to portray and that is X&Y. Kalos games are just inferior to the Anime. I don't know how else to explain it but Shauna, Tierno and Trevor are simply better portrayed in the Anime than in the games while Serena… well we all know the Anime subplot involving her. Then there's the Gym Leaders, Zygarde and the whole Team Flare arc and it just ties itself into a nice little bow for Pokémon fans to enjoy.
Diamond & Pearl is the next best Anime, in my opinion, but the Anime doesn't quite surpass the games(most notably Platinum). Every other Pokémon Anime series just doesn't come close to the games in that respective Generation.
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I've gotta say the anime. I've been watching since I was five or six years old, and the anime was the reason I even wanted any of the games in the first place. It introduced me to Pokemon and was the only reason I would even watch TV for years. My brother and I started collecting Pokemon cards around 2016 because we were so obsessed with the anime and would watch it every chance we got. I still remember being absolutely psyched for the second season of Sun and Moon to come out and determined to watch it as soon as it aired. The Pokemon anime was a huge part of my childhood and it'll always hold some great memories for me :)
(I say that like I'm so old lol….)