This games not right.

Why is that I'm me er pulling or starting off with the cards I need? 10 GAMES IN A ROW IVE DRAWN 7 ENERGY CARDS BACK TO BACK! I only have 15 energy at most in my decks. Am I cursed? Am I just supposed to keep deranking? My opponent is always getting the card they need to win.. when is that ever gonna happen for me? I'm about to drop this game.. makes nonsense to be almost to master and then drop all the way down. To lowest form of ultra... Not even able to complete a full damn match is wild and highly infuriating, especially when I know my decks are built properly and I've been building decks for over 15 years.. this is ridiculous. The old game would never do this.
so if I do the calculations right each game you have a 15/60 chance to pull an energy each time you pull one the rate goes down 14/59, 13/58, 12/57, 11/56, 10/55 and 9/54 so if we multiply all those together you get 13/780216 which is pretty low odds and i'd say to get those odds during 1 game is pretty low I could probably have gotten multiple shiny starters with those odds then if its 10 games you bring both those numbers to the 10th power which is a pretty big number my calculator couldn't give me an exact number though my math could be completely off any way its rather the number generator is rigged or you are having really bad luck
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First off, sorry for all my grammar errors sheesh! I was mad when typing 😕. But I seriously don't understand what's happening. I was 1 game away from master and then all of a sudden... Every game I got into, all energy ooooor all Pokemon, no energy or supporters of any kind... And I'm trying to be patient... Waiting turn after turn... 5 turns go by and I'm still drawing the same cards..… game after game after game. I really like this game, however if this keeps up, I'm off permanently. And you're math is way better than my math and it was easy to follow so thank you. I'm stressed. All a boy wants is to say he's a master and that's looking impossible and out of my control. 😞 You don't understand the amount of times I've reworked my decks (when I didn't want to) and still kept drawing the same cards....
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First of all, very few decks play 15 energy, I also know this ain't true because if you drew all energies, there's this magical thing called a "mulligan" that makes you draw again, so a full energy hand is unlucky but only one extra draw for your opponent. Instead of complaining, just find what's wrong and fix it, do test draws, run casual matches, it isn't that hard.
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You're trying to appear smart, but after reading what you wrote, I see you in the complete opposite light. Try again
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Where do you see one sentence? I can literally count more than 20 periods. You ok?