Can we please get a method to disable emotes?

This is a common feature in nearly every other online card game. Emotes are almost entirely used to BM your opponent, and personally i would just find losing so much less annoying if i wasnt just constantly getting spammed the thumbs down emote.
it turns a normal "it is what it is" loss into "is this guy seriously going to mulligan two times into a perfect hand then spam thumbs down over and over until he wins?" kind of loss that makes me just want to turn off the game and go do something else.
I get that the easy answer is to just ignore it, but again, its a problem for some people to just ignore it(like me) and its literally a feature in nearly every other game that has an emote system as its well known nobody uses them to do anything other than BM...
What'sit mean to BM your opponent?
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This feature should be a no brainer for the developers, but it is Nintendo which values profit over customer happiness, especially with their "free" game (but let's be real, if you need to use it to practice for a tournament or just want to play meta decks, you need to pay IRL for card codes to get gems to buy the cards you need in game).