Hello people, I'm new here.

Greetings, people and fans of Pokemon. My name is Ashley, and I really like and enjoy the Pokemon series as a huge fan for all years. :) If I might ask… Is it possible to make new friends here? I would appreciate it.
Welcome... well it's virtualy possible to make new friends anywhere, I don't see why this forum would be different.
People are here because they like something Pokemon related, unless they are trolls or something similar, so you will have something in common.
There plenty of friendly people around, but always be careful online dealing with people you don't really know. Have fun!
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Like @DoubleCure said, be careful online. However, you should have a good time here. These forums are mostly friendly in my experience.
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@AshleyGamer1995 Hi. I'm also a major Pokemon fan as well. It's nice to meet you
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Nice to meet you! I love pokemon, but especially the TCG. Do you play the tcg, the video games, or just enjoy the franchise?
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Welcome to the forums Ashley
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Welcome!! There are some rude people "cough" Tech "cough" hog "cough" but it seems pretty nice.
If you by any chance decide to ask questions about the paper TCG, I might be there to help.
But anyway, hope you have a great time!!!
(dont forget to share your opinions on eating pokemon)
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Hi, Ashley! Whether you can make friends here depends on what you mean by "friends." For example, you can't make real life friends here. Do not meet up in real life with someone you only know through the internet, that would be extremely dangerous (though you probably meant in-game or internet friends, which you can find here! But remember to never share private information like your age, name, appearance, location, etc.).
Anyways, this forum is one of the nicest online places I've ever seen. The bad people are few and annoying arguments are rare as long as you stay away from the TCG Live section. And I can talk about Pokémon a lot and people can actually understand what I'm saying. And everyone is so nice and the forums are peaceful (again, as long as you stay away from the TCG Live section).
Also, read the Pokémon eating (starter elimination) discussion. It's long but it's fun and gets referenced in other discussions sometimes. I've been on this forum for over a year and it's the best discussion I've read here.
And this part is important: DO NOT CARE ABOUT POST NUMBERS, RANKS, OR SIMILAR STUFF. Don't spam or beg for Likes/Agrees/LOLs. Don't revive old discussions. Just have fun and talk about Pokémon in a way that doesn't annoy others. Also, be sure to flag and report ads and AI posts to make sure they don't increase in number or become the majority of posts like on big social media sites.
There are probably a few things I forgot but these are the important things! I hope you have fun here!
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Welcome to the community forums Ashley, always happy to see more good people in this great community.
It's probably possible to make friends here but then again it's the internet so have some caution.1