I need help.

I don't know what to do. I want to try to compete in some Play! Pokemon with my pkmn violet team for regulation H. I have Meowscarada, Dondozo, Palafin, Dragapult, Incineroar, and Rillaboom. Any suggestions?
If you can wait for september then you can play like that online. You can best check the event locator if their is some tournament in you're area.
I'm not an expert on this, so take my advice with a grain of salt: I've got the feeling that something is wrong with you're team. You've got two grass and water Pokémon on you're team, I've got the feeling it would put a lot of pressure on Incineroar as the only fire type on the team. Don't forget that Incineroar is only a support Pokémon, so you're team is lacking fire power.
Incineroar will also drop in popularity, because the best fighting Pokémon for regulation H is a real nightmare for Incineroar. (I won't mention the name, so that I don't force that Pokémon on you're team.) It can take out Incineroar with one hit (and even worse, if it is drain punch the opponents hp will be recovered by a lot.) Also that Pokémon is faster than Incineroar, and having Incineroar the ghost tera type will only makes it's situation worse because of that Pokémons signature move.
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Torkoal is a good one, if you use it on a sun team ( as Torkoal sets the sun up with it's ability).
Armarouge is really good with Indeedee-Female (It's called a Psyspam team, and a big problem if you don't prepare for it.)
Arcanine-Hisui has a good movepool, but a lot of weaknesses. I never used it before but it has some niche.
Volcarona has a good movepool, as well for offensive as defensive. The lack of a good ability and the four time weakness for rock holds it back. (I'm not certain of this one.)
Talonflame, I'm not allowed to forget about this one. It most of the times attacks first with a fly typing attack if you got the right ability, but regrettable it's only for full HP.
Arcanine this will probably be a popular one in regulations H, it can use Intimidate and has access to Extreme Speed and other good moves. The justified strategy is also nice. However it lives in the shadow of Incineroar.
Chandelure is good with a Choice Scarf.
Skeledirge, Charizard and Rotom-Heat are OK. Their are more fire Pokémon, but the shadow of Incineroar is too big.