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I would like to know if there is another autistic Pokémon fan like me

YagoFuecoco Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
First Anniversary 5 Answers 5 LOLs 100 Comments

I confess that I am a Pokémon fan who is autistic, and to be honest, Pokémon was very special to me, and Pokémon was something that helped me in many situations that to be honest, because I am autistic, a lot of things were difficult for me, and Pokémon has always helped me, I really like how Pokémon tells incredible stories in its games and in its animations, and to be honest, during my Pokémon journey, I wish I had the chance to get attached to Pokémon that are very special to me, Pokémon like Vulpix, Oshawott and Fuecoco, and even more Pokémon that I have a special affection for, and for me it is very special, and now, I would like to know if there is anyone besides me who is autistic and is a fan of Pokémon like me.



  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭✭
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    You are definitely not alone in that.

    Games are a great hobby for people with conditions that can make social interaction awkward. Games have been one of the main ways I have connected with my friends and found new ones. Many of my friends today I met through tabletop or digital games.

    I am glad Pokémon has had a positive effect on your life.

  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 545 ✭✭✭
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    honestly in my experience it feels like a lot of pokemon fans I have met on the Internet, especially those who care enough to get deep into the game or any of the other media and join communities about it, have some degree of autism so it's not just you at all. seems fairly common as a special interest in childhood

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 2,715 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    i have adhd

  • NoahLaprasForum
    NoahLaprasForum Member Posts: 922 ✭✭✭
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    @clasingla me too

  • YagoFuecoco
    YagoFuecoco Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
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    I say from experience, that my special interest in Pokémon began in childhood and continues to this day, I really love delving deeper into the games, so much so that a habit I have is to catch all the Pokémon in the game to register in the Pokédex and also to delve deeper into Pokémon, the most special Pokémon for me that I have in some way a special attachment to them and that in any game where they are I catch them are: Vulpix, Oshawott, Skitty, Fuecoco, Yamper, Munna, Sandile, Rufflet, Seel , Deerling and Greavard, the ones I mentioned are just some of the most special to me, because there are many Pokémon that are very special to me.

  • Specter478
    Specter478 Member Posts: 301 ✭✭✭
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    I have add, pretty much the same as you guys just without the hyper part

  • nickyfry1980
    nickyfry1980 Member Posts: 8
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    hi i am autsitc , nice to meet you whats your fav pokemon mine are lapras and pika

  • HGemini93
    HGemini93 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
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    You’re never alone in this, never forget that. Pokémon is also a very special franchise for me and continues to hold a special place in my life to this day. Like you, I also got into Pokémon during my childhood and it helped me a lot through life. Even to this day, I get lonely often and struggle with socializing and friendships, and still continue to imagine myself making friends with Pokémon if they were real. I think it’s a way to help compensate for what I lack in life, but it also brings me a sense of inner peace and purpose. I think that Pokémon is a way for many people — not just those of us with ASD — to feel more connected to the world and others. It really is a great series.

  • FallenFurfrou
    FallenFurfrou Member Posts: 152 ✭✭✭
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    You're not alone. I, too, am autistic.

  • TheTrueMicro
    TheTrueMicro Member Posts: 30
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    I'm one of them!