I have found the best counter for Zamazenta

Ting-lu can ruin a Zamazenta player's day. When Tera poison Zamazenta can't do anything to it. A plus 2 defense body press does up to 39% of Ting-lu's health with 0 defense and 0 Hp. Also Ting-lu has two ways of ruining Zamazenta player's day. The first is to use ruination to make it fall to 2 flutter mane moonblasts if they are neutral. The second is to use fissure, fissure probably won't land the first time but Ting-lu's incredible bulk will make it hard for Zamazenta to KO it. For best results use stomping tantrum with fissure so you are not just threatening th OHKO but you also threaten a 150 base power ground move. Ting-lu can also help Zamazenta against other Zamazenta. When Terestalized it takes forever for a Zamazenta to KO another Zamazenta. Also Ting-lu is really good into calyrex Shadow taking only 13% from astral barage.
I Love Ting-lu and I hate seeing it at 2% usage so if you're using a bunch of physical attackers consider using Ting-lu
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Yes Earthquake is good if you have something that can live the hit