Manipulated cards

After I win a match or two I notice I can never get my plays out because it seems to purposely give me cards that can will not help me in no way on every draw. Getting nothing but my evolutions or cards like switch or energy for several turns.
I been there... feels like it's purposely done, but then I realize it's the poor TCG Live devs behind it... no way they could come up with that kind of elaborated scheme.
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it’s so obvious that they manipulate the cards I can have like rotom, greninja, dudusparse cards that allow me a lot of cards but it keep me from getting specific cards until literally the end of my deck then mean while every card my opponent draws happens to be a card that allows a combo of effects to give them the advantage. Then when I’m one turn away from changing the tide of the game they play llono or some other BS Wake up I literally on the verge of deleting this app. Because no matter how you look at it manipulation of the cards is cheating whether it’s because of skill based match or just a bot. I say shame on Pokémon company
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I agree. I've played PTCG for about 3+ years ongoing, and I can testify that cards are definitely being manipulated to stop you from getting a decent hand after your 1st or 2nd win with any deck. They had kept me stuck for multiple turns with no draw option when I have bibarel, ultra ball, arezu, iono and 10 in total of supporters in my deck, even tatsugiri and mew ex. Someone is definitely controlling the RNG in the deep web and selling wins for cheaters or sadistic psychopaths who loves watching players suffer.
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Y'all there's no way the devs who can't make an update without game breaking bugs would have the ability to give you bad draws. The program would have to know and understand the board state, including what deck you have and what deck you're up against, what cards are in your discard pile and your hand, look at all that and be able to select a detrimental card. Stop with these conspiracies, and go play IRL so you can see how random and unfair real shuffling can be.
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lol yeah there’s no way a computer can calculate that the second you enter a battle lol
Of course it can and I’m sure it’s because random can not be truly generated so the cpu has to rely on the programming that will end up repeating it self
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Look up Hanlon's Razor. Completely applicable in this situation.
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lol so I’m just paranoid… no if you think that you are in denial. Being so reliant on technology you think it’s flawless. Or you just blindly believe what ever is convenient. It obviously does some kind of handicap when battling less experienced or lower rank players. Which means random does not exist and can not exist in any program. It’s impossible to tel a computer to do something random especially in cards a pattern will always show. Just because you can’t predict what is next does not mean random.
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So @DeFShoT420 tell us more about your credentials in computer programming. "Random" is usually generated by… well anybody could look it up.
@stealthboy2600 is correct. Hanlon's Razor. It's random. End of story.