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New player outmatched

This game is completely unplayable. I am playing unranked matches trying to learn how to play and have lost every match because all the people I get matched with have cards that 1 shot every single pokemon I have!


  • lvlrAdam
    lvlrAdam Member Posts: 96 ✭✭
    5 Likes First Anniversary 25 Agrees Name Dropper

    When you build a deck use the "test deck" feature to play the AI. It should be better that way to learn.

  • Sakura150612
    Sakura150612 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
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    @lvlrAdam that is a terrible suggestion xd

    @EmpressNovaDyne Would you mind posting your decklist? It would be easier to give you advice if I knew what you are using.

  • Bornin985
    Bornin985 Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
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    The experience for new players is by no means guaranteed.

    Online did it batter.

  • Sakura150612
    Sakura150612 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
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    @Bornin985 I beg to differ... If you were to go and create a fresh PTCGO account right now you'd realize that the game gives you next to nothing to work with. All you get is the Mental Might Theme Deck (which is terrible by today's standards) and the three Online exclusive Theme Decks (which certainly had better times; today they are very, very outdated). You get basically no staples, no useful deck pieces, no resources that you can use to build your collection, no nothing. All you get is 4 barely usable Theme Decks and 250 Tokens. The best you can hope to do as a new, free-to-play player is quickly farm 250 more Tokens, buy one of the S tier Theme Decks and grind the Ladder to no end. Eventually you'll be able to get tradable packs from Events and use those to trade for cards. But all of that is a long grind that requires previous knowledge, on top of knowledge on how to make good trades, and a new player wouldn't know any of that. All in all, without buying a decent amount of codes from a third party and the guidance of a veteran player, going into Online as a new player is a miserable experience.

    Live, on the other hand, gives you most of the pieces of two different deck in the battle pass essentially for free. On the current pass those would be Lugia and Regidrago; the former is one of the best decks in the format and the latter is pretty decent. And the game also offers you a half complete Mew VMAX deck that anyone can buy with Crystals after around a month of doing dailies (which are exceedingly easy to complete compared to Online dailies). If this continues to be a trend going forward, new players should never struggle too much to find good cards to play with. And the fact that you can obtain essentially anything that you want at a standard price by using the in-game currency completely eliminates the complexity of having to know how to trade. The new player experience now should be better than ever.

    This doesn't mean that new players won't run into problems, but the idea that the new player experience was better on Online is delusional. It's fine to feel nostalgia for the old game; I'm also sad that it will shut down after all of these years. But that doesn't change the fact that it had a lot of flaws and that it did a pretty poor job of helping new players learn about the core aspects of the game and obtain the necessary resources to play the main formats.

  • lvlrAdam
    lvlrAdam Member Posts: 96 ✭✭
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    @Sakura150612 I believe my suggestion was valid since all they claimed to want was to be able to learn the game.

  • Sakura150612
    Sakura150612 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
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    @lvlrAdam have you tried the "test deck" AI matches? It doesn't teach you anything about the game. The AI uses more than less random decks and plays very poorly. I assure you that OP will beat the AI every time, no problem, but that the moment they go back to PvP they will start losing again. If they really want to learn the game then practicing against the AI is not a good suggestion. It would be better for them to look online for a decklist that they can build with the cards that they have available (there's plenty) and look for some videos of people using them.

  • ProfessorIDGAF
    ProfessorIDGAF Member Posts: 12
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    You can always hop on discord and play with anyone on Voice who's willing to give you some advice in real time. There are a few popular Pokemon discords out there.

  • CoreMatrix
    CoreMatrix Member Posts: 3
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    Just take the losses, the game gives you plenty of decent decks that should can grind out.

    Just get your head down and learn to play, it wont be long until you start taking games.

  • Betrayze
    Betrayze Member Posts: 83 ✭✭
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    I do think the old system to play various AIs and earn a few packs was a great way to learn.You got to practice against all sorts of decks and learned staples quickly.