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Is there a time limit on choosing heads or tails

I'm playing against a player that goes by the gt avatarjets and he's been waiting the last 15 minutes to decide whether he wants to choose heads of tails... can we have a report button for players like this?

Best Answers

  • stephen9495
    stephen9495 Member Posts: 8
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    #2 Answer ✓

    There's another player doing this as well this morning: "neilpcannon". I've faced him twice already and been forced to concede both times because of the same issue you're having. There seems to be no time-out during coin flip. I'm not sure if this is a glitch.

  • stephen9495
    stephen9495 Member Posts: 8
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    #3 Answer ✓

    I keep getting paired with the same people and their points are going up. It's not coincidental to reach 2,500 - 3,500 points. It's not about shaming, but bringing attention to exploitation / possible botting - which isn't tolerated in other online games.



  • Bizquik200
    Bizquik200 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I've had this same issue too! I'm thinking it's a glitch since they put out a disclosure when you enter into the app. Maybe because of this they will put in a time out button because before this I've had players do this

  • stephen9495
    stephen9495 Member Posts: 8
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    Another player: "wolfden_cris"

  • stephen9495
    stephen9495 Member Posts: 8
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    This is getting out of hand. I was at 1,740 and because of this glitch I have to keep losing score.

    More players: "Xx_iRob_o0" (twice), "ERPIPPO"

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 691 ✭✭✭✭
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    This would be the coin flip bug, your opponent likely disconnected as a result of this bug

  • stephen9495
    stephen9495 Member Posts: 8
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    Their scores increase between games so it doesn't seem like they're disconnecting.

    Another player: "Valleyent".

  • Nashedtators
    Nashedtators Member Posts: 84 ✭✭
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    It seems this issue is what the notice when you start the app is about, I would avoid ranked till it's fixed

  • FelixDewott
    FelixDewott Member Posts: 30 ✭✭
    25 Agrees Combo Breaker 5 Likes 10 Comments

    What in the world…? Are these players abusing the match start bug that's been happening recently? If so, then this is really bad if that bug and this issue are related.

  • JazzyUnicornGir
    JazzyUnicornGir Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
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    @FelixDewott They are related. The game developers are aware of the issue and are working to correct it as soon as they can.