Opinions on Sordward and Shielbert

Personally, I want to kick their booty. I'd never want to see those haircuts again.
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Not only I hate their hairstyles but they have the makings of antagonists in Galar written all over it. They look like evil Chancellors attempting to take advantage of the royal family of Galar.
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i think it's kinda wild how their plot is that the royal family of Galar are annoying "celebrities" that no one actually cares about, trying to misrepresent myths to gain power in the region. pretty bold of gamefreak.
just as characters, they're the kind of guys you love to hate. i loved their running bit of "handcrafting a team just for this battle" and then continuing to use the same exact team every time you fight them.
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You get a well fleshed out antagonist in SwSh and then these two. I don't really know what to say.
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If I had wanted to parody how absurd I thought the characters in SwSh would be before the games came out, I would have thought that I was being utterly ridiculous and excessive if I had come up with them.
They're like the characters a boomer makes up for a political cartoon to represent "those new Pokey Man games" because they know absolutely nothing about the franchise beyond the names of the games and "Peekychoo".
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I hate these guys so much, they look like well-dressed hippies.
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They're hilarious. Especially the hairstyles. Yeah, they're not good characters, because they're not meant to be well-written. They're meant to be so unrealistically weird and annoying that it's funny.
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You can say that again @OlderAngel11