what is the story behind your favorite pokemon?

every pokemon is someone's favorite, even if it's the most peculiar like… Klang for example
usually there's a story behind these favorite pokemon, sometimes it's just "because it's cool/cute/whatever", but sometimes it's something fun and silly, like my story for why I like Jumpluff so much
so if you have a favorite pokemon story, I WANNA HEAR IT, tell me what it is, I will not be accepting "because I like it" or anything along those lines… you can just drop your favorite pokemon though if you wanna say it
okay tell me away
I can tell you about my second favorite beheeyem one day I was thinking what is a pokemon that is forgettable I thought about beheeyem I then remembered the inspiration from beheeyem and I thought that it was actually pretty cool to have a regular pokemon based off an alien I grew to like this pokemon more and more until it became my second favorite
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For many people it is also a simple case of "pocket man stronk!" Particularly people in the competitive scene. The majority still consider other factors like aesthetics or their memories using them. But for some they could literally put Pokémon stats in a spreadsheet with no images and their favourite would be whichever one came out on top.
Which is fine. Different aspects of the franchise appeal to different people. For some it is simply a competitive numbers game.
For the longest time my favourite was Scyther. I still like it a lot. I don't like insects in real life, but I like a lot of bug Pokémon. Scyther I think has a really strong and powerful appearance, and I remember the time I spent in the Safari Zone trying to capture one back in the day. It was a safe bet to win the bug catching contest in GSC, as well.
I also recall Ash having an elderly one in the anime, and I think I read a children's book about it back in school, but I can't remember if that was an adaption of an anime story or something original.
These days I am feeling a connection to that old, tired Scyther more than ever.
Sun and Moon introduced a lot of Pokémon I actually really liked, Buzzwole among them. I think that might be my favourite now. Mimikyu was also really appealing from that game.
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I always liked absol cause its the disaster pokemon its said to bring bad luck and ruin kinda like me :)
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Lol I actually had a dream about this random pokemon that I had never liked before, Wigglytuff. Then when I woke up I remembered the dream pretty well and went to look it up in my pokemon guide book. I thought it was really cute and overlooked, and was surprised I'd never noticed it before, so it became my favorite pokemon. All because I had a dream about it.🤷
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I used to dislike Delphox because I was constantly told by everyone around me that Greninja is stronger and Delphox is ugly and ruined the Fennekin line. But a few years ago I did a Nuzlocke in X where Delphox ended up being my strongest Pokémon. I'd wanted to not evolve it at first, but it really made me think, "why do I hate it? Is it really as bad of a Pokémon as people say, or is what I've been told for so long wrong?".
At the end I found that Delphox had become my favourite Pokémon ever, and I realised how sad it was that people kept hating on it because it's not a cutesy pretty girlie Pokémon like its pre-evolution, Braixen. While other Pokémon which are even weirder than their pre-evolution, or have even worse fashion sense than Delphox having that sleeveless yellow jacket thing, get away without any consequence.
Because of that realisation, it's now my job on these forums to spread the word that Delphox is the greatest Pokémon of all time.
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Marshtomp is the first pokemon I used in a playthrough of pokemon Emerald( Mudkip evolved halfway to the petalburg city). I stopped it from evolving until it was like, level 50 just because I love the sprite and it was pretty good in battle. I've also always loved Zeroara and it stays as the first legendary/mythical I catch in fan games. I've been liking it more though after I watched that one episode in the last season of the SM seasons of the show.
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@UnovanZorua i agree that greninja is over rated compared to the other kalosian final evolutions
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I love Scizor cuz I was watching an episode of the Pokémon series called Curbing the Crimson Tide! but it mentioned a Pokémon Scizor in a cool cape and I found it in UNITE so I tried it. It got me so much KO’s
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Scizor is the best in unite!
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The first Pokémon show I watched really was Pokémon Origins with my brothers. We made some good memories watching it, and I’ve always been a fan of turtles and I dunno, I just really liked Blue and his Squirtle, both were really cool, and finding out what his evolution was at the end of the show was really cool. I later got a pet turtle and named it Squirtle, further solidifying my love for that tiny turtle Pokémon. I got a fish and named it Mudkip too btw.