Some new Pokemon for legends Z-A?

For Pokemon Legends Z+A I'm not sure yet wether it will be in the future or the past, because the building plans in the trailer looked like modern day Lumiose city. However I have some ideas for some new pokemon. I feel like Carbink got completely left out of the game. I feel like if it's in the future, jewellers and scientists should have tried to copy Carbinks but failed and ended up with a glass Carbink. It would be Steel/Fairy, a good typing for it because I'm thinking it would be a glass cannon with special attack. It would war with Carbink underground and have one of them turn into a Diancie like evolution that only happens when a Carbink defeats a Diancie. Any ideas on what else to add or if anyone would like to take some time and figure out a past Carbink that might have gotten wiped out by normal carbink it would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Old Kalos form Delphox so my favourite mon can get positive attention for once. Very unlikely but I can dream.
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@Yodude73 I actually like most of the pokemon from the region.
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Klefki might get a regional evolution, like a bigger, rusty key. Anything is better.
But as for regionals, I think regional Snubbul. It could be based on the French Bulldog, which would be a good premise. I personally want a regional Lillipup or Yamper, but Snubull is probably gonna get one.
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I kinda forgot about Klefki and I wish it would get an evolution but if it does Klefki is going to be broken. It would be like what happened to Duraludon after Archaludon came out. @Michael629303 I feel like it's half and half. I also like lots of Kalos pokemon, but some are just bad. Like furfrou or the scatterbug and aromatisse line. There's a good amount of pokemon just forgotten.
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I have to wonder if Legends Z-A will include a new legendary Pokémon in the Kalos region.
Maybe it could be inspired by the squirrel from the Norse mythology Ratatoskr.
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A new clockwork or steamwork pokemon would be cool.