Why don't Game Freak add Ultra Beasts into Scarlet and Violet?

I got all the Ultra Beasts from Pokemon Shield, and yet, THEY WEREN'T ABLE TO BE USED IN SCARLET AND VIOLET, SAID POKEMON HOME!!! Why don't Game Freak just do a Tera Raid event where Ultra Beasts show up in 5-star Tera Raids, just so I could have an excuse to use Pheromosa in a Scarlet and Violet Pokemon battle? Support me if you agree, and help convince Game Freak to do Ultra Beast Tera Raids.
Best Answers
two more reasons why they don't simply port every pokemon forward are competitive accessibility and the extra polish that pokemon need in newer games. scarlet and violet gave every pokemon new texturing, and it's a lot of work! doing that for all 1025 pokemon just isn't in the time restraints pokemon operates on nowadays. really, this is the reason behind a lot of complaints people have about modern pokemon - there's just not enough time being given to devs to get them out the door, while management expects bigger and bigger games (and profits).
competitive accessibility was more relevant in sword and shield, where the only pokemon you could use were ones you could catch in sword and shield themselves - so, if you had a copy of the game, you could get all the pokemon you needed to put together a top team. but let's say they did let you transfer ultra beasts to scarlet and violet - and then, oops, one of them is a top tier! suddenly, every VGC player has to go out and pay $85 for a copy of sword and shield and the crown tundra, and then play through the entire game just to catch one pokemon for their team. and if it's a pokemon that's only been able to have a certain move through events, it might just be impossible to get it anymore!
i think this second reason has fallen apart a little in scarlet and violet, though, with them allowing hisuian pokemon and urshifu into the game. calyrex is one of the strongest pokemon in the game, but the only way to catch one is to buy sword or shield and the DLC. personally, i think this is a really bad decision on gamefreak's part, since it just makes it harder for people to get into VGC.
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most likely because of time travel and Ultra Beasts are creatures of other dimensions. That and the amount of data spent on tera raids and such won't give the Ultra beasts the opportunity to appear.
Unfortunately, I think GameFreak is alternating what Pokemon are in games between each game. The legendaries from X and Y aren't in Scarlet and Violet, but were in Sword and Shield. All the starters weren't in Sword and Shield, but are in Scarlet and Violet! I have a shiny Xurkitree I caught sitting in Pokemon Home, and as much as I want him to be able to come to Scarlet, I think I just need to wait until another DLC or the next set of games.
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Why don't Gamefreak add all Pokémon to Scarlet and Violet? And all future games?
We've had the dexit debacle. And fans proved they'd dutifully buy the games with more than half of them missing and still break sales records. And they'll even buy DLC to get another chunk of them back.
So why bother? Where's the financial incentive?
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Good question. Honestly, it might make some people from older generations want to play some of these newer versions of pokémon as well as possibly get more people into playing the games if they added all of the pokémon to the newer games.
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Yeah. I saw a post on here earlier and someone was shiny hunting beldum for Z-A when it comes out, and they would most likely be devastated if they couldn't transfer it. Everybody should be allowed to bring any pokemon into the newest game. Especially Rare pokemon like ultra beasts.
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They might be thinking that as a download the game might take up too much space on a switch. They would need to add all the pokemon, signature moves and abilities. So it would make some sense not to and to add them. If they had a switch storage upgrade or if the sitch came with a couple of SD cards it would be fine and sales would prob increase by like 25%
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Personally, If it means narrow out the true Pokemon trainers from the typical troublemakers and cheaters, so be it. I got no qualm paying more while less competition who's only out for money and fame.