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Opponent's turn never ends



  • albalbornozp
    albalbornozp Member Posts: 5
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    I have a problem, since every time a player is losing a battle, he connects to another account in parallel, and leaves the first account active so that the player who is winning feels bored and gives up. Or in the case if the opponent loses connection, the victory should be awarded to the active player.

  • iCurse
    iCurse Member Posts: 1
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    Just had this exact issue, playing against a dark themed deck, not sure which as this was my second match in the game. I hope this gets fixed soon because I thought he disconnected and patiently waited, still got the loss and no exp...

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    @albalbornozp That was a really weird and random assumption to make... Anyway, it's a big which causes a server desync, resulting in one player disconnecting and the other player eventually winning after the inactivity timer for the opponent runs through a few turns. If you're seeing an infinite timer, it's because you're on the disconnected side of the desync.

  • ibucket99
    ibucket99 Member Posts: 1
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    people are using disconnecting wifi as a way to not lose. i was getting dominated until i finally got a charzard ex and killed a guy, next turn swapped out his mewtwo ex and murdered it too and when he was left with no way to win he disconnected his wifi and boom, stuck in nowhere land. crappy way to not lose. they should fix this, if you lose connection you lose, that simple.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    No, that's not how it works. You're the one getting disconnected, not them. If you DC you lose. That's already how it works. Test it yourself if you really believe otherwise.