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Opponent's turn never ends

NinFern Member Posts: 8
First Comment

Played a match against a Lugia Vstar deck. Everything was normal until the start of one of my opponent's turn. They brought a Radiant Charizard to the active, equipped Aurora Energy and then did nothing for 20 minutes. The timer ran out but nothing happened. 10 minutes later and still the game hasn't given me the match. The game didn't freeze either as I could still emote and look at my cards. The only thing I could do was concede. This is the first time it happened to me.

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  • LinceSensei
    LinceSensei Member Posts: 1
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    some times we can´t use our trainer cards thats why

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    Probably a disconnection.

    That's how the game operates if you don't have internet connection, nothing in the game tells you you're not connected.

    That happened to me once, my computer disconnected to the wifi and refused to reconnect until i left that game.

  • Hlyja
    Hlyja Member Posts: 10
    Photogenic First Comment

    Everyone is saying, you lost internet connection. That is not the case. there is a glitch that somehow you disconnected from the ptcg live server. At no point when this happens to me do I lose internet connection.

  • zdrex007
    zdrex007 Member Posts: 11
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    Have had this happen as well. It does not come across as a loss of internet connection but rather like the server lost track of the game and stalled.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,872 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited December 2022 #6

    @Hlyja @zdrex007 It might just be really sensitive to packet loss. I want to note that I've been playing almost every day for like 6 months and I've only had this happen a couple of times early on when it was really common.

  • Lizie7
    Lizie7 Member Posts: 3
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    This exact same thing just happened to me - same deck and everything, it's uncanny.

    I know it's not a connection loss because usually you get an icon at the bottom left of the screen saying it's failing to connect.

    It's super annoying when you're playing ranked so hopefully they fix it soon.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @Lizie7 are you sure the icon is in this game and not just in PTCGO?

    I had a game where my wifi completely disconnected and i didn't see an icon onscreen.

    There's also a chance the game disconnected for a second and it fails to reconnect you after it happens, leaving the player stuck in reconnection limbo.

  • NinFern
    NinFern Member Posts: 8
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    Based on everyone's response I assume that the reason this bug happened is that I changed to Wi-fi around the time. I recall my phone changing to Wi-fi right around the time the bug happened. Ironically I did it to avoid a connection issue, but I'll make sure to not make that mistake again with Live. Appreciate all the responses.

  • Calmevir
    Calmevir Member Posts: 1
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    What in the world

    I had this happen to me as well, also playing against this very same deck. What is going on here? Is this an issue with Radiant Charizard?

  • zdrex007
    zdrex007 Member Posts: 11
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    @TechHog I guess I have probably lost 10-15 games due to this issue which is enough to be a problem that needs fixing regardless of the root cause. I am not here to complain as it is Beta, I would just like to report issues so they can be fixed.