Time-out glitch

just played a mobile game versus a certain player, he used the fusion strike mew/vmax deck. For whatever reason, once he saw i played Lugia/Blissey, and once my setup was almost done (two archeops in graveyard and vstar lugia in hand) the player somehow stalled all 23 remaining minutes until timer reached 0 for opponent, at which point nothing happened. I lost 20 rank points for this as well. How is this fair?
From what I've seen on Reddit, it seems to be unclear right now what is causing the bug. It seems to have something to do with the Fusion Strike Energy build of the deck, and not so much with the Double Turbo build. A lot of these Mew players don't even know about the bug and are just playing the deck, not realizing that something they're doing is breaking the game.
The folks at Pokémon have sent in a new hotfix for the game for approval to the app stores, and it will be rolling out soon. It might just fix that problem.