XP Level Bug

I literally just hit level 13 and then closed the client. A few hours later I open it again and I'm almost level 14 without doing anything.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Hi Trainer!
Thank you for sharing your feedback. I edited your post as posting images on the forum is not allowed. If you ever have images you'd like to share with support or the development team, I encourage you to open a ticket. To do so, visit https://support.pokemon.com. Any feedback shared with the support team will be relayed to the development team for review.
Did your ranked points/ win records change at all?
0 -
No change to the ranked points (playing on casual) and nothing strange on the win records either.
Interestingly, I just hit level 14 and it's bumped me right through to the end of the level again.