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Mew VMAX Bug - Any Reports from Mew Perspective?



  • TengoSoundwave
    TengoSoundwave Member Posts: 29
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    Thanks to the Mew VMAX players who responded. Interesting to see it from your perspective, especially with the assumption being it was being used as an exploit. Always beneficial to see both sides of a story!

  • Sough
    Sough Member Posts: 10
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    edited December 2022 #13

    I am very curious though, why when this bug that causes both players to lose exists, are there so many mew fusion players on the ranked ladder? I literally queued into 14 fusion mew in a row, and half of those players used the same Deck sleeve, coin, deck box. Grass energy coin, water energy sleeves , fire deck box.

    We need to look at this objectively and not just assume that there is some free win exploit going on or NOT going on without proper data.

    Almost every deck on the ranked ladder is fusion mew, which leads me to believe that there is some deliberation.

  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
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    edited December 2022 #14

    That deck is one of the bundles you can buy in the store. Also, with fewer people playing due to the bug and time of day, it is possible for you to match up with the same person multiple times.

  • Mr_Sagara
    Mr_Sagara Member Posts: 5
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    When I used Mew VMax the only problem I ever ran into was when facing Arceus. They use the attack to attach energy and then nothing happens. I saw an unactive timer run out and even the game timer run out before conceding. I came here to report the problem only to learn that Mew VMax also has a problem. I read a bunch of the posts about the problem and stopped using Mew VMax so I wasn't part of the problem despite always winning my matches by taking prizes or the occasional lose to Lugia.

    I tried playing other decks but I have since just stopped playing until Mew works again. I find Mew to be the only deck I have success against Lugia. I personally don't like using Lugia so it isn't worth what little time I have for games to just lose to Lugia or run into Arceus problems.

    That is my perspective as a Mew VMax player. I hope the issue is fixed eventually but I understand these things take time and there generally isn't some quick fix as that could just cause other problems.

  • ShiningLancer
    ShiningLancer Member Posts: 141 ✭✭✭
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    I played one match with fusion energy mew to try out the glitch. Turn 1 I attached a fusion energy to mew and used a boost shake to evolve into mew vmax but my opponent was still able to play the game. Turn 2 I attached a fusion energy to a different mew with elesa's sparkle and evolved it into mew vmax and it disconnected my opponent giving me a free win once they timed out three times.

    I have had opponents randomly start to timeout against me while playing DTE mew but it is much rarer.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @ShiningLancer That's not conclusive. Your opponent may have just actually AFK'd. I've done that out of frustration when seeing people continue to play this deck.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @Sough It was always a popular deck, especially since it was free at the start of the beta. It's the second most popular deck both in-game and IRL. As for why people are using it despite the glitches? Some people can't put 2 & 2 together, while others just really don't want to switch decks.

  • ShiningLancer
    ShiningLancer Member Posts: 141 ✭✭✭
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    @TechHog My opponent was playing a darkrai Vstar deck and had their moltres V powered up turn 1. The game even promoted that moltres for them after the first ko. Do you typically rage run away from the keyboard when someone is goofing off against you in a 90-10 matchup?

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @ShiningLancer Did I say anything about a rage quit? It could be that they had an emergency or something.

  • MrLabradoodle
    MrLabradoodle Member Posts: 3
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    It's back again. I'm currently playing against a Mew VMAX Deck, the game froze and I have to concede.

    Opponent's turn, last card they played was Battle VIP Pass, 3 Single Strike Energy in play, no Mew VMAX.