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Why is it people feel the need to use all their cards when all they need to do is attack one more ti


its just toxic asf tbh, wasting time and bming


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 721 ✭✭✭✭
    5 LOLs 5 Likes 5 Agrees First Comment

    Sometimes it's justified to secure a victory. Sometimes people want to experiment with cards secure in the knowledge they're about to win. Sometimes people may genuinely misread the board and not realise that they have already won. And sometimes, heavens forbid, the worst possible thing happens and people are having fun.

    Sure, it can be done provocatively to try and upset an opponent, but why assume malice when it could be many other things? I think you are just going to make yourself miserable with that mindset.

    What would be your solution? Force an automatic win on the player if one attack would finish the game in their victory?