Is Lugia with Archeops overpowered?

Lugia on its own without Archeops is a great card, summon any 2 colourless pokemon to bench these could be cards like arceus for example or togekiss vmax etc.. But with Archeops is simple got an insane turn 2. You got first with Lugia you can hit for 300 TURN 2 (using powerful energy). That will knock out any pokemon your opponent has if you go first and at that point you pretty much won the game. Its so easy to essentially get a turn 2 win and I am not saying ban lugia but ban arceops or modify the power to only put 1 on the bench or state it has 2 be 2 different pokemon. It would still be on the level of arceus. It's not like even duraladon which blocks special energy can help as cards like yvetal will still KO it, that's if your lucky to survive turn 2 mind.. If u can get a duraladon vmax with big parasol up you have stopped it. But its literally 1 deck. All other matchups get destroyed pretty much always turn 2.
Is Lugia with Archeops overpowered? 17 votes
No, its fine as it is.
This has nothing to do with Live bugs or feedback. The Decks and Strategy section might be more appropriate. We're not going to convince anyone to change the card mechanics anywhere on these forums though. I don't think anyone in charge of that will ever see this forum or be told about anything on it.
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No, its fine as it is.
3 things to mention with this post
1) This is the bugs and feedback section for tcg live. If you have problems with the current metagame, this is not the correct section to discuss them.
2)We can't say Lugia is overpower yet, since we haven't see results from any official tournament yet. At the beginning of the year people were asking for a meloetta ban because "Mew Vmax is overpower and the only viable deck to play" yet it didn't win almost any event because players kept figuring out different strategies that had a favourable matchup against it. By the end of the format it wasn't even a good choice to play.
3) You mentioned Lugia being able to bench pokemon like arceus vstar or togekiss vmax with its ability, those are illegal targets since you can only choose pokemon without a rule box for Lugia's Vstar power.
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Yes, it needs some sort of fix
I know what everyone's saying about not being the right place to post about something not bug related, but I am going to post here since there is already a thread going.
I agree with Betrayze about the Lugia VStar deck being overpowered. Everything in the battle pass tree pushes you toward using the deck, and unless you play a lot and really have your deck perfected, it's very hard to beat. Plus, I find it rather boring. It's pretty much a pre-made deck that let's you crush almost anyone if you draw your hand right. You don't have to put that much effort into actually coming up with a good strategy because the game developers have already made one for you. I have always believed that pokemon is about coming up with good strategy's and building your own decks. That is what makes every deck special and a new challenge every time, but because this deck is so overpowered you don't really have to think too much about making a deck that will actually challenge you to be a smarter player. Strength becomes far more important than playing intelligently. I also think it is ridiculous that Lugia VStar can use it's big move consecutively with no consequences. Zacian V has a similar move that does roughly the same amount of damage, but even it has the effect of waiting a turn in between uses.
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Yes, it needs some sort of fix
BTW, to Edurandomnumber, I agree that coming up with strategies is important, but I think it's hard when you pretty much have to build your deck solely in order to combat another one. A deck should be able to at least hold out well against any other one. Occasionally there might be a bad draw or type matchup, but a deck should be well rounded. I've tried this myself, and I can beat very many long as they don't have a Lugia VStar deck. To win, I would have to make my deck a soley anti-Lugia VStar one.
Plus, you say strategy is important, but there is no strategy required in making a Lugia VStar deck. Almost anyone can win using it, without actually having to come up with a good strategy.