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Mew VMAX Bug - Any Reports from Mew Perspective?

I've read a lot of discussions relating to people vs Mew VMAX experiencing the current bug (myself included). However, I haven't seen anything from a Mew player's perspective yet. Are there any reports/sources?



  • Hyperion924955
    Hyperion924955 Member Posts: 55
    5 Agrees 5 Likes First Anniversary 10 Comments

    I play mew and never had an issue. But I only play dte mew. Always seems to be fusion.

  • Wethrin
    Wethrin Member Posts: 1
    Photogenic First Comment
    edited December 2022 #3

    Every other match the game totally crashes or gets stucked…. Lost at least 15 matches to this😅

    [Edited by Mod_Pandaroo : No link or document allowed outside of Pokemon official websites]

    Here is a short Clip.

    Timer runs out and I can only close and embrace the loss.

  • MrLabradoodle
    MrLabradoodle Member Posts: 3
    First Comment Photogenic

    I didn't know this bug existed and played the whole day with a Mew VMax Fusion Strike. The game froze about every 2nd game when my opponent chose energy to attach, mostly againts Shadow Rider Calyrex. I had to close the game every time, even when I waited until the timer hit 0 nothing happend.

  • Maximus4868
    Maximus4868 Member Posts: 9
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    Ouch I play fusion mew VMAX and didn't realize this was a thing until I read this post. I can confirm it happening sometimes though consistently.

  • Mod_Squirrel
    Mod_Squirrel Moderator Posts: 90 mod
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    Hi Trainers,

    I recommend for this instance you open a ticket with the support team. To do so, please visit https://support.pokemon.com/ and then click the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link.

  • Eyemontom
    Eyemontom Member Posts: 22
    5 Agrees 10 Comments

    Does this mean we both lose?? Good work PTCG live!!

  • Maximus4868
    Maximus4868 Member Posts: 9
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    The Mew VMAX wins because in this case the turn timer is still in effect, which forces the opponent to concede or it concedes automatically due to the timer.

  • MrLabradoodle
    MrLabradoodle Member Posts: 3
    First Comment Photogenic

    Both lose. I played with Mew VMAX Fusion Strike and had to concede or close the game every time the bug happend. Even when I wait 20 minutes and the timer hits 0 nothing happens.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    I suspected from the start that it caused both players to lose. Looks like all of those people trying to call others out have egg on their face.

    Also, @MrLabradoodle it froze for you when the opponent attached? That hasn't been mentioned here and might be extremely important information! You need to make sure to put that in a support ticket. Maybe even make a separate thread for that.

  • Ixidior
    Ixidior Member Posts: 5
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    It happened to me today. I used the suppoeter to get FSE, then attach the double energy. At thar point Mew Vmax couldnt use max miracle but my oponent didn't play any of their turns.

    I had the attack problem many times, but this is the first time that the game idles...

    Usually the game stucks and i have to concede.