Game hangs in common matchups

Seems that nearly every match against the Mew VSTAR deck ends up hanging and I have no option but to concede the game/exit the app. These hangs also seem to happen with Lugia/Archeops although not as often. The common factor seems to be cards/abilities that fetch energy from the deck.
It's making it hard to get anywhere on the ladder as I am getting paired against Mew/Lugia decks about 75% of the time, and most of these games turn into auto-losses because of these bugs.
Looking through this forum I see I'm not the only experiencing this. Just adding my frustration to the pile in the hopes that the devs can do something about it sooner rather than later.
Im having the same problem when I play against someone with that deck. They freeze and their timer keeps going, but even when it times out nothing happens. I keep losing ladder points and dropping due to my opponent freezing. Super frustrating since so many people use that deck.
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I actually think all the posts about these bugs are appropriate, because they're game-breaking problems that seem to be becoming more and more frequent, and there is very little communication about them from anyone at TPCI. Yes, the game is in beta, but it's an open beta and the developers are encouraging people to play... Pokemon is encouraging people to play via code cards... the game isn't listed as being in beta on the Apple ap store... And the game doesn't work at least 20% of the time!! It seems fair for lots of users to be surprised by that, and want to share their experience on a forum called "Pokémon TCG LIVE Bugs & Feedback". Is there a reason you find the posts problematic?
How about this: can the mod team or whoever write a post summarizing what they know about each of these issues and sticky them on this forum, with big descriptive titles? Then we can all just post on those threads when, for example, we lose to Mew for the third time in a row because of the disconnection glitch or whatever it is?
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I have this exact same problem, very well communicated and re-assuring that its being reported and Im not the only one experiencing it, and having a rubbish experience with the software at the moment. I have drastically reduced my playing time since this bug as it happens at least every other game and just not worth my effort to play and demoralising to see my loosing streaks going up as I have to concede.
It was working quite well it seemed until the unbanned forest seal stone. Since that update something has gone wrong. Id rather they just undo everything they did for now and give us the pre-update version back.
also Pokémon's communication is not very good in my experience over the last few years. Despite that I do love the game, cards and hope to see all this improve. As someone who has good experience of online system over the years I know how good it can be but do worry that people new to the game will be put off.
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To pears_91: I've been playing pokemon for years, but Pokemon live is my first time playing TCG in an online environment. I can verify that, yeah, as a new player I've considered quitting multiple times because of glitches that have caused me to lose matches that I otherwise would have won. Luckily, I have a never-give-up attitude. I never concede even if I know I'm going to lose because I might happen to get a card I need, or he might have to leave and concede, but I can imagine many other players who don't have this attitude simply giving up. Even my sister, who is also making the transition for the first time has told me multiple times that she wants to give up and just forget playing online altogether.
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i guarantee you that players are aware of the glitch and are intentionally closing the app when they know they can’t win. both players lose 20 points.