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Opponents time reached zero and nothing happened



  • Eragon_64
    Eragon_64 Member Posts: 1
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    Same thing just happened to me, and when I finally conceded after fifteen minutes, that is when I found this forum and realized what was about to happen, my game crashed.

  • Goathic
    Goathic Member Posts: 2
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    Same here, just a few minutes ago. Not the first time either, unfortunately. It happened to me a few weeks back as well, but didn´t get a screenshot that time.

    Screenshot from this time:

  • carmeloxg
    carmeloxg Member Posts: 2
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    This is ridiculous!

    I am winning and it seems like my opponents just keep leaving the game causing me to either have to concede or close the game.

    Either way I end up losing and this is not fair.

    I have even waited twice for the opponent's timer to go all the way down to zero and i still lost points as though I lost.

    Why is this possible on a ranked game?

    The game should make the opponent auto lose after a few turns/minutes of inactivity. Even the original PTCGO does this.

  • Darien88x
    Darien88x Member Posts: 2
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    This has to be the worst game ever! Ever since the update I have yet to even finish a match bc the game freezes everytime or my opponent just runs time down!!!

  • BlueBerryMew
    BlueBerryMew Member Posts: 2
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    This has been happening to me all day. Very annoying. I keep loosing points in ladder unnecessarily.

  • banproof2
    banproof2 Member Posts: 1
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    This just happened to me and it is extremely frustrating. I'm not going to play ranked until this is fixed.

  • TrainerSRM
    TrainerSRM Member Posts: 1
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    Same problem over here. It has only happened to me when I have been playing against the new v deck.

  • Kaimi94
    Kaimi94 Member Posts: 1
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    I waiting all time (and little more) because i I assumed they were just afk to force me to concede. And what...nothing i must surrended :/

  • Richster93
    Richster93 Member Posts: 5
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    Since the last hotfix this has happened to me about 3 times in the last few hours. Its really annoying and ruins my win streaks