Can emotes please be able to mute again?
People spamming emotes, or purposely trying to get people annoyed with emotes are bothering me a lot. Can we please get this option back?
I totally agree with both these suggestions.
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I agree with you guys... also i would appreciate some kind of window when i can see previous game actions in the game... TCG Live has so many unfinished and missing things. I really hope they will fix all of that and add them to the future.
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It usually happens when I use Blocklax, and the opponent runs out of switches. If my opponent is grieving I would play as slow as possible, spamming emotes, and when my opponent is about to deck out I would play my Iono card, Pal Pad the Iono card, Cyllene the Pal Pad, Pal Pad Cyllene and Iono and so on. You get the picture. I promise this.
Moral of the story: do not grieve, if you lose, concede and move on. tweak your deck, or don't use a deck that is vulnerable to Blocklax. Just play LZ Giratina, and get an easy win against Blocklax.
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I will spam emotes when my opponent knows s/he's losing but s/he's grieving and thus prolongs her/his own suffering. It usually happens when I use Blocklax, and the opponent runs out of switches. If my opponent is grieving I would play as slow as possible, spamming emotes, and when my opponent is about to deck out I would play my Iono card, Pal Pad the Iono card, Cyllene the Pal Pad, Pal Pad Cyllene and Iono and so on. You get the picture. I promise this.
Moral of the story: do not grieve, if you lose, concede and move on. tweak your deck, or don't use a deck that is vulnerable to Blocklax. Just play LZ Giratina, and get an easy win against Blocklax.
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I wasn't realy talking about losing. Ofcourse I lose games, but I also win. My point is that it's beyond annoying that people spam emotes (that don't even make sense in human communication about a card game), and that I am not able to do something about that. It drains my joy from the game.
Oh and also I would like to have the game log back, because sometimes I blink and don't know what the other person did and I can't check what happend.
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If we're adding to the list of things that needs improvements, then let me mention-- though this is more of a bug-- that sometimes when the opponent searches their deck, then reveals the card, I can't see the card. It just shows me the back of the card, which gives me a huge disadvantage sometimes when they're grabbing a supporter and I need to see if they got a boss. This is not constant, just sometimes.