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Time to start a debate

Just so you know, even though I'll be stating this stuff as facts, these are all just my opinions.

Pokemon Violet is way better than Scarlet and you can't convince me otherwise. Ik most people prefer the Scarlet paradoxes but I think the Violet paradoxes actually look way cooler. Turo is a better character design than Sada. It makes more sense story-wise to make a time machine with technology that doesn't even exist anywhere else in the world to be using it for something in the future rather than the past. Dreepy > Deino imo, and Deino is Scarlet exclusive while Dreepy is Violet exclusive. Miraidon > Koraidon imo. And finally, I prefer violet as a colour compared to scarlet. These are basically also red and blue games, and violet is further from blue than scarlet is from red.

Feel free to be wrong in the replies


  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,334 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Sada looks cooler with a less generic outfit, and I think the colour Scarlet looks better on the book. It also has some good Paradox mons like Great Tusk, Walking Wake, Sandy Shocks, and Slither Wing. I also bought it first, and it was the first Pokémon game I bought digitally though I still prefer physical versions.

    I prefer Violet though because it has Iron Valiant and it's where I first got Gholdengo (it was painful to evolve).

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Scarlet is better. Iron Thorns is literally the only good future paradox. So I think that I can happily be "wrong" without giving a ding-dong about what you think.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The preference between both versions is largely superficial and therefore subjective. Personally I prefer Violet because I like the futuristic designs and I think Koraidon looks stupid with its vestigial wheels.

    One version is going to have more competitively viable Pokémon than the other, but only competitive players are going to care about that.

    Play whichever version you like. There should be only one version anyway. I can't believe people still let this series get away with selling the same game twice, never mind the people who buy both.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @TheJeffers I agree with you. It's so dumb that they sell two versions, then you have to find a person who has the other version to trade with, and there's no fun in that. I'd like to be able to complete my own Pokedex in my own game without having to make any additional purchases or trades.

  • PigeonNintendo
    PigeonNintendo Member Posts: 3
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    I wasn't even talking about competitive viability, and it doesn't even matter because you can just trade for the other ones. Nice random rudeness in the wrong discussion

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @OlderAngel11 Encouraging trades is not inherently the problem.

    In the 90s, before the internet was wide-spread, and before the GTS was a thing, it made sense to have two versions with missing content. When the vision was to encourage city children sitting at home playing video games to go out and meet their friends (and maybe new friends) to trade Pokémon using their link cables, it made sense.

    Of course, the early versions of the game's design gave each copy a unique roster of Pokémon to catch that would require you to go out into the world and find someone with the Pokémon you were missing to trade.

    But memory on the Game Boy cartridges was limited and people were unfamiliar with the concept, and didn't necessarily have access to lots of other people with Game Boys and link cables, so limiting it to two versions with set rosters made it easier to develop and for customers to understand.

    Now though, we all know that we don't have all the Pokémon catchable on our Switch cartridge. And if we don't know, we can Google it. And the internet connects us to every other player around the world to ensure we can always find someone to trade us our missing Pokémon.

    So rather than two versions, we could have each game generate a roster of mons missing from our version of the game to encourage the token and fleeting interaction Pokémon Home allows (see: virtually none). If you want to even bother trading at all anymore.

    But not having two versions means that you cannot sell a double pack to the super fans. And of course, because Legendaries also became version exclusives in gen 3 and people will rarely want to trade their one-per-game Pokémon, you are encouraged to buy both versions to ensure that you get your complete Pokédex.

    So although trading and multiple versions is technically redundant, the practice remains to sell more copies of the game. And because it has always been this way, the Pokémon franchise is in the unique and privileged position to sell people two copies of the same game every year without drawing mass criticism.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Yeah, I get all those points @TheJeffers but it's still kinda annoying.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    Pokemon Violet is personally better than Pokemon Scarlet, but that's only because I just don't like Koraidon. The swallowed-tire vibe is really weird.

    Other than that, Scarlet wins some things. All the paradoxes have better shinies, meanwhile all Violet gets is chrome shinies. They got Gligar and Cramorant, we got Aipom and Morpeko (Morpeko is solid tho), and they got Alolan Vulpix. They even got Dragalge.

    However, we got (personally) better Paradoxes, Dragapult, Salamence, GULPIN, Alolan Sandshrew, Aqua Tauros (better than Flame, personally), and Shieldon (better than Cranidos, personally)

    So yeah, but favoritism is in the eye of the beholder, so nobody's really right. At the end, it's all just a game.