Design Your Own Postgame Battle Facility

So, imagine you owned a Battle Facility in Pokemon, sort of like those in the Battle Frontier. What would it look like, and what kind of rules would you enact?
Let me start.
My facility is known as the Duelist's Hill. It's located in a large castle-like structure in Paldea. Rules are that each participating Trainer can only use one Pokemon, but they can choose the Tera Type they want to use without needing any Tera Shards. Maybe throughout each challenge Trainers can have opportunities to change Tera Type if they so wish.
I would make a facility where all the opponents use legendary pokemon. You start off facing opponents that only use 1 legendary on their team. A shaymin here, an articuno there. Then progressively as you rack up wins your opponents eventually start using more powerful legends and incorporate more of them on their teams.
If you play competitive youre no stranger to battling against "boring" teams consisting entirely of legends. But this isn't something you really see in-game so I think it would be cool to have.
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I think the great thing about previous post-game battle facilities is that it gave players a place to practice against competitive (or at least more competitive) teams and a greater challenge than they would otherwise face in the main game. Even with the advent of online play allowing players to potentially play with players all over the world at any time without having to leave their home or hunt down other competitive players with whom to physically connect their Game Boy, I think there is still a lot of value in the feature.
With that in mind, part of such a facility should emulate the 1v1 style battles seen in the game and in other competitive formats, and double battles like those seen in official play.
Otherwise I would like to see other parts of the facility explore more gimmicky play. Little Cup style unevolved Pokémon, triple battles, etc.
Perhaps these days it would even be possible to have players specify parameters for their own style of play and generate NPCs using teams that fit within those rules.
There is so much potential for battle facilities, but I fear their day is long since passed as far as Gamefreak are concerned. They do not have time to develop them under current development schedules and they believe that players do not have the attention spans nor free time not occupied with other entertainment to pursue them. Shame.
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I'd like to see a facility in the vein of the Battle Pyramid from Emerald, or the White Treehollow from White 2. Essentially, a giant underground facility you can explore with your team of 3 Pokémon, full of random encounters of both wild Pokémon and trainers, items, and maybe traps that damage your Pokémon or inflict status. The different sections could be themed after the different badges you encounter on your adventure. As an example:
* Floor 1: Has Bug-types as wild encounters and trainers that primarily (but not exclusively) use Bug-types. After 6 floors, you get a rematch with Katy.
* Floor 2: Has Rock-type Pokémon and trainers. On the 7th floor is a rematch with the Titan Klawf.
* Floor 3: Has Dark-type Pokémon and trainers. On the 7th floor is a rematch with Giacomo, complete with his Starmobile.
And so on. I feel like this sort of facility would provide a nice blend of competitive battles and exploration, and properly set itself apart from online battling.
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Good idea. The battle pyramid is my favorite little thing across all pokemon games. I wish we had some sort of spiritual successor to this dungeon exploration and survival mode.
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I like to see a battle labyrinth combining the aspect of dungeon exploration and pokemon battles.
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I would like to have one where the only Pokémon is Rowlet, meaning you get 6 Rowlet and the opponent gets 6 Rowlet.
rowlet supremacy
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I think that there could be different pyramids depending on the level of the difficulty the player character wish to challenge. There could be one pyramid for Easy, one pyramid for Normal, one pyramid for Hard, one pyramid for Extreme, and one pyramid for Nightmare (or Impossible). The pyramid for Easy can have no restrictions on what Pokemon you bring in, and the encounters are fairly normal. Normal would still have no restrictions on what Pokemon you can bring, but would have fewer healing items. Hard wouldn't allow Legendaries, Mythicals, and Ultra Beasts into the pyramid, and would have roughly the same healing items as normal. Extreme would have the same restrictions as Hard, except Pseudo-Legendary aren't going to be allowed either and chances of finding healing items would be like 5%. Impossible would restrict all Legendarys, Mythicals, Ultra Beasts, Pseudo-Legendarys, held items, and all healing moves. The chances of finding healing items would be restricted to 1%, making it the ultimate challenge.
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@Elberta , I like the idea of different difficulty levels, but I'm not sure if I like the restrictions on healing moves and pseudos. Restricting box legendaries and other Pokémon designed to be overpowered seems fine, but if you restrict the use of held items and healing moves, I feel like it'd give too much of an edge to fast, offensive Pokémon for clearing the pyramid over slower, more defensive ones. The harder levels could have fewer items, like you said, but they could also have trainers with more and stronger Pokémon, and more annoying wild encounters.
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OK, I’ll dare to dream.
My postgame challenge would be the Battle Park, a cooperative timed challenge. It would be like an Island Trial in a place grander than Lumiose City!
Invite people you’ve met through the Union Circle or the game’s story into your team of four Trainers. Everyone is shown their own selection of six Pokémon and rents three of them. Also, the first two Pokémon in your party, as well as Koraidon or Miraidon, are allowed to support your efforts.
Next, you get two Park Meal Kits, one to eat now and one to save for later. And finally, you can borrow unlimited Park Balls.
The timer’s set to 15:10. On go, start exploring the Battle Park! It’s a huge landscape teeming with new opportunities each time you visit.
- Battle clusters of wild Pokémon in auto battles. (Park Pokémon excel at them!) If you defeat enough, a Terastallized Pokémon will appear, providing a good opportunity to earn Exp. Points or swap out a rental Pokémon.
- Defeat Trainers. Regular ones can reveal nearby spots to check out, or offer to trade their Pokémon. Strong Trainers can change the Tera Type of one of your Pokémon, teach it Tera Blast, or reveal the Tera Type of the final challenge.
- Collect hidden Mystery Shards. Reaching them demands teamwork like calling someone else near you or bringing a Pokémon of a certain type. If your group gathers enough, something good is bound to happen later.
- Travel and pop as many balloons you can see. Popping enough will clear the way for two Flying Taxi spots, one near you and one far away. Teammates can use them too.
- Find Pokémon materials and Gimmighoul Tokens. By speaking with the right people, you can exchange them for things like held items and Exp. Candies P.
- Picnic. Use your to-go Park Meal Kit to restore your party’s HP and activate Food Powers in a flash.
Teammates will call out their activities and mark what they’re doing on your map. Plus, depending on their types and Natures, your supporting Pokémon will point out more points of interest.
Each area has its own special effects, and surprises like Pokémon outbreaks occur from time to time. As time dwindles, more and more of the Battle Park is roped off and becomes off-limits.
By the end, your team will meet up near a Tera Raid Den and choose one Pokémon each. The collected Mystery Shards will attract a wild Pokémon to battle as a fifth team member. Finally, it’s time for a Tera Raid Battle against a Terastallized Legendary Pokémon!
When it’s all over, you earn BP based on your personal achievements and the progress your team made. And if you were able to catch it, you’ll be permitted to keep the Legendary Pokémon.
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Mine would be some place in area zero with a lot of paradox Pokémon. You would have to defeat the other game’s version exclusive legendaries until you would have to fight Miraidon/Koraidon. Miraidon/Koraidon would be terastilised (dragon Tera type) and you would be forced to use the lowest level Pokémon in your party. If your whole party is the same level, you would be forced to use thee last Pokémon in your party.