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Lose ladder progress on loss

I'm no master mind on this game, play for fun. When I lose, sometimes I step away, especially from a tough mach. It's frustrating but fun to try everything but still lose. Then I get negative ladder points? NEGATIVE? I'm already beat from losing! I don't concede to every match just because...

I recommend removing negative ladder points when taking a loss. If you consistantly concede within first 5 minutes of multiple games in a row, then maybe you don't deserve those points. But it's a kick in the teeth when you try hard in a long fought battle and lose.



  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    Is this your first time playing a game on a ranked ladder? It's supposed to work like that. That's why it's "ranked."

    The real problem is that the rank of the opponent doesn't affect how many points you gain/lose.

  • Sakura150612
    Sakura150612 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
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    edited December 2022 #3

    Can't say I agree. That's what you've got casual mode for: play for fun, if you lose it doesn't matter. Ranked is a competitive mode, and in a competitive mode when you lose, you lose points. In fact, I was surprised when I didn't lose any points for losses when below 200. When I finally took a loss at over 200 and actually lost 10 points, I thought "aaah, yeah that makes much more sense".

    I do agree with TechHog though that gains and losses should probably be influenced by the difference in rank / skill level between you and your opponent. But if you lose a ranked game, you losing points is a given.

  • Hlyja
    Hlyja Member Posts: 10
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  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    Ah yes, make a blank post to bump your terrible suggestion after just a day. Thanks for that.

  • Hlyja
    Hlyja Member Posts: 10
    First Comment Photogenic

    First ladder where you lose points yes. If it’s not new then, new to me.

    Never was a fan of kicking someone when their down.

  • Sakura150612
    Sakura150612 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
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    The thing with a ranked mode is that it needs to take points when you lose. Every game with a ranked mode does this; this truly isn't something new. The problem with not taking points on a loss is that your rank stops being a representation of your skill level and it simply becomes a measure of how much time you've invested into the game, regardless of whether you're playing well or not.

    Not taking points on a loss also incentivizes the use of decks that are objectively bad in a competitive environment but are capable of farming quick wins (when they win), such as donk decks. I don't know if currently there are any Standard-valid decks capable of donking, but this is just an example; other such decks could take over ranked if losses didn't matter, and those seeking to play competitively would not be happy with such a scenario.

    The point of a ranked mode is to offer a competitive alternative to Casual mode. While there are things in this mode that I would like to see improved in the future, taking points on losses isn't one of them.

    (also, please excuse the previous blank post xd I just started using the forums and I made a couple of those by accident).

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    edited December 2022 #8

    @Hlyja Then you have never played a ranked ladder before. That is how literally all of them work.

    If you really can't handle that, then just play the casual ladder.

  • Clear_ZERO
    Clear_ZERO Member Posts: 23
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    I do think that a win streak bonus would be a good way to shorten the grind, as even the best decks have a 20% chance to brick.

    Good decks get rewarded for doing what it is supposed to do. Bad decks get punished for doing bad. It is good to maintain the quality of the decks that appear on ladder.

  • Sakura150612
    Sakura150612 Member Posts: 53 ✭✭
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    One thing that I forgot: the Ladder and the Ladder rewards from the PTCGO have a more direct equivalence to the PTCGL Battle Pass, rather than the Ranked ladder (both in terms of the type/amount of rewards and in terms of ladder progression). As it is impossible to lose progress in the Battle Pass, it's functionally very similar to the old Ladder.

    The Ranked ladder is a separate matter; while it does also grant rewards, the bulk of the rewards offered by the game are concentrated in the Battle Pass. And so, Ranked can focus on remaining as a competitive mode instead of trying to ensure that anyone can reach the top of the ladder.

  • skyechan
    skyechan Member Posts: 15
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    What about when we're forced to concede when the game freezes/bugs out? I don't think either side should be forced to get penalized for the game literally breaking from no fault of the users.