I love this app so much! Just some really small feedback! ^-^

Member Posts: 1 ✭
Hello friend,
I love the new app so much! I'm a long term player and supporter of Pokémon TCG.
Just some small feed-back I can suggest:
- No need to confirm which Prize cards you have selected. I think once you have clicked on a prize card to take it, it might save time to just take that prize.
- When using the Trainer card 'Switch', I would love it if you could drag and drop the 'Switch' card on top of the Pokémon you are about to promote as a shortcut. Similar with Boss's Orders if you could drag and drop Boss on top of the Pokémon you would like to promote to the Active spot.
- If possible, I would really love a Spheal Vmax, or a deck build around Spheal! I was really happy that we got a Seel deck in Lost Origin. Now we just need a similar deck with Spheal please. I love Seals a lot. ^-^