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I love this app so much! Just some really small feedback! ^-^

Hello friend,

I love the new app so much! I'm a long term player and supporter of Pokémon TCG.

Just some small feed-back I can suggest:

  • No need to confirm which Prize cards you have selected. I think once you have clicked on a prize card to take it, it might save time to just take that prize.
  • When using the Trainer card 'Switch', I would love it if you could drag and drop the 'Switch' card on top of the Pokémon you are about to promote as a shortcut. Similar with Boss's Orders if you could drag and drop Boss on top of the Pokémon you would like to promote to the Active spot.
  • If possible, I would really love a Spheal Vmax, or a deck build around Spheal! I was really happy that we got a Seel deck in Lost Origin. Now we just need a similar deck with Spheal please. I love Seals a lot. ^-^


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited December 2022 #2

    And for that last one, the devs don't make cards. The cards are the same ones as in the paper TCG, which are made by Creatures in Japan. Also, there won't be any more VMAX after January's Crown Zenith.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 LOLs 250 Likes

    The reason you have to select prize cards manually is because some card effects can flip them face up or let you peek at them without shuffling. It can't and shouldn't be automatic, except at the end of the game.