Feedback from my experience so far.

1: Still needs a lot of polish on the UI and visuals. Some notable examples (I'm probably forgetting a lot): I still see cards placed on the bench in early beta micro size now and then; trying to look at cards or scroll through the attached cards is a pain in the backside; I never know which zoom in I will get when I do click on a card; dragging cards can be annoying when just clicking on a card would suffice.
2: Experience grind is incredibly long and unrewarding. This is for profile, battle pass, and ranked. After a week+, I just now hit level 10 on my profile. Battle Pass is crawling along at 1 level a day, maybe 2 if I play all day. Ranked is a mess and I'm stuck in the....Pokéball? Great ball? Whatever rank is the first or second tier.
3: Rewards are too little and shop/crafting is too expensive. Only 2 quests a day makes earning rewards an incredibly slow process, and the rewards you get are minimal at best. Shop has items listed at 1000+, 2000+, even a 5000 crystal Charizard promo bundle, which actually looks super awesome and I would spend money on purchasing if I had the money...or the option to actually purchase with money, but it's not and 5000 crystals feels like an impossible amount to ever acquire, especially when you'll need to buy another battle pass in a few weeks just to earn more crystals... I haven't even started on crafting costs, or the lack of materials you get from rewards... Play for a week, maybe enough to craft one card I need for my deck? Anyone else see a problem?
4: When everyone's super, nobody is. Literally 90% of the matches I play are the same Lugia VStar deck because you gave it away for free. I'm grateful for a powerful starting deck (along with the other nice starter decks and cards), but because everyone has it, the game has become incredibly dull and repetitive unless I run into a player who's transferred their collection over, then I just lose because my deck is still just a starter deck versus someone who's been playing the meta game for years...
5: Card packs should have more than 5 cards in them. I will say I do enjoy the higher drop rates and have had some incredible pulls so far, I still think at least 1 or 2 more common/uncommon drops per pack would be a bit more fair, especially with the high cost of crafting cards.
The Lugia deck is OP, but there's another issue and it is your "luck" is somehow tied to your rank. The higher you are on the ladder the more your deck will suck and the opposite is also true. The first matches you easily beat guys at rank 400 and once you get there you're easily defeated by guys on rank 100 or less with a suspiciously lucky first hand.
I suppose they do this to bring people to play the game but after a time it gets tiresome losing every match even if you play the Lugia deck it gets somehow nerfed by the game logic. Thankfully we didn't have to pay to play yet, but I suppose once they enable monetization it will be pay to win.
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Agreed on all points. It's great that we get all these fancy decks to play with, but the problem is when they are the only thing you see, or at least 90% of the time you see the same Lugia Deck.
Other unfortunate point (at least on PC) it seems that all cards that are not part of the free decks break or dont simply work, such as Cobalion, Centiskorch, Reshiram etc. Abilities seem to be busted, in a way they don't work as intended or you get graphical bugs that prevent you playing those said cards. I bet there's plenty more than the 3 that I mentioned.
Then about crafting, I went and tested how's the crafting cost (not crystals). I went and bought 1000 Lost origin online tgco codes and shared them with 2 other friends. Each of us ended up opening 300 packs (we left 100 unopened). Mind you, we had 0 of cards from lost origin collection when starting.
After completing lost origin collection and "dusting" leftover cards, each of us got little over 20 000 craft material for making invidual cards. Now, invidual Vmax / full art / etc costs 2000 to make.
Depending what type of cards you want, I was left with 7000 "dust" and I was left with half complete deck. :P
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on your 3rd point, I agree especially when you are a brand new player. I have an account and my son does. I open everything on his. Mine is a backup account in case he's playing. It's impossible for me to build a new deck. I am working to build one, but by modifying one of the free decks. I still cannot build it how I want as I need at least 3-4 more V/Vmax cards for it to be right. It's going to take me more time than I know to do that.
How slowly this game gives you packs compared to PTCGO is extremely slow, and they are all ST. Barely any chance to build upon.
This game is not F2P only. People buy code cards and Pokemon products to increase their online collection. Especially since the in game packs are only 5 cards, what's the harm in lowering the cost?
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The problem with Lugia VSTAR isn't just that everyone has it, but that it has shown itself to truly be Best Deck In Format. It makes other decks less desirable to play even in paper, because you're probably going to lose to Lugia VSTAR, or will have to tech for Lugia VSTAR and lose your other match-ups more often. Even without it being on the Battle Pass, those of us who could afford it would be spending our credits on it instead of other cards for other decks and it would be overwhelming the ladder. PTCGO doesn't have that problem quite yet (from my understanding) because they are still rare pulls and trade for a stupid amount of packs.