Generation 6 Pokemon

What does everyone think of gen 6 pokemon. I actually started pokemon on this game, so my opinion is a bit biased, but I thoroughly liked most of the pokemon and the game itself. It was very well done.
Delphox, Sylveon, Hoopa, Espurr, it has a lot of my favourites. It may not have the most Pokémon (it has the least introduced of all the games, plus it did not get a 3rd version, sequel, or DLC so there weren't even chances to add new mons), but they're all super cool.
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don't get me started on how good they are, especially the shinys (fun fact, I have 6 shiny Delphox and a shiny Braixen from Pokemon Go)
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The Pokemon added here were some of the best in their groups. Amaura and Tyrunt are the best fossil Pokemon (peak design here), Phantump and Pumpkaboo are some of the best ghost types ever, Chespin is amazing, and Goodra and Skiddo are some of my top 5 favorite Pokemon (#2 & #3 respectively).
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I really, REALLY like Gen 6. It's also kinda where I started in Pokemon (but this was with the TGC/anime-- I didn't start playing the games until last year), and I grew up on 'Mons like Sylveon and Fenniken. There were some really good designs in that Gen, and, like @UnovanZorua said, it's sad that the games never got sequels, or even DLCs. I'd kinda like to see a remake for Switch. :)