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What is the biggest plot hole you've realized in a pokemon game?

I've gotta go with Rose trying to get eternatus to power the galar region. It says that regeleki can power it for a really long time without anyone getting hurt.

I also don't understand the pokedex and it's plot holes. Like, there's a bunch of pokemon that no one has ever seen before in the Paldea region. But what's this? Your teacher at school has written about them all? How does that work?


  • Jirarudan
    Jirarudan Member Posts: 85 ✭✭
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes 5 Agrees

    Jacq was at least implied to have worked with Sada or Turo so his knowledge of the paradoxes makes a little sense. But he shouldn't know anything about, say, the Treasures of Ruin, or any of the Kitakami mons.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    So… you could make futuristic AI AND A TIME MACHINE but I still have to go to the Pokémon Center 24/7 to fully revive my Pokémon? Really?

    And also, don’t they use cars in Pokémon? So that means Cuclizar is more of a road hazard than useful.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    11-year-olds drive where you live? And bikes don't exist?

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
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    No, not that! Its just that it's weird I don't see any gas stations or cars on the road in the game, but there are Cyclizar parking spots.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Why are children sent out to fight creatures that can destroy cities easily and control fire breathing lizards at the ages of ten to fourteen.

    I know it's because children are the target audience and they like to imagine being cool and powerful, but most people around those ages can't take care of a goldfish.

  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,370 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Where does LGPE fit into the timeline.

    It isn't in the No-megas timeline, it feels wrong to try to fit it into the mega timeline. And it just feels weird in every way because Red didn't beat Blue in the League or defeat Team Rocket. Couldn't we just play as Ash and experience his journey since this was based on Yellow, which was based off the anime?

  • PinkYoshiFan
    PinkYoshiFan Member Posts: 59 ✭✭
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    The kitakami mons (except for the legendaries) could be explained by there being some international science group in Pokémon by the time Pokédexes are common

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,971 ✭✭✭✭
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    paldea as a whole.