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Snorlax Doll failing/soft locking

so the Snorlax Doll from paradox rift is supposed to allow you to play it as if it were a basic pokemon if it happens to be in your hand during setup. However, I went up againat an opponent who ostensibly set up a stall deck with the card and the game fails to recognize it as a basic during setup, forcing a mulligan.

The big problem here is that the snorlax doll was also evidently the only pokemon in their deck, as it soft locked into infinite mulligans after I was done setting up. It managed to go up to 13 listed and then kept repeating the "your opponent had to take 1 mulligan" before reshuffling the deck over and over. I was thankfully in casual but this would certainly be exploitable in ranked if the card remains usable in decks like this.


  • bigmeek62
    bigmeek62 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    This was not me, but I did make a soft lock deck for expanded, with both Lilies and Snorlax dolls. The game did give me an option when I only had dolls in my hand to either do a mulligan or play the doll.

    My issue is that on my turn, during my turn, the game will not let me play Snorlax Doll from my hand onto my bench. I've reread the card several times and I am not getting the impression that Snorlax Doll can only be played during set up.

  • uncomonfossil
    uncomonfossil Member Posts: 194 ✭✭✭
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    Remember that this is an Item card, not a Pokemon. It can only be played like a Pokemon as expressed in the text on the card. The text states that you can use this during setup, and makes no mention of any other time it can be played. So you can not play it on any turn, including your first turn.

  • TibiaTueur
    TibiaTueur Member Posts: 20
    10 Comments Photogenic First Anniversary

    There is no issue.

    You are forced to play down a basic if you have on setup. But Snorlax Doll is not a basic. It just gives you the opportunity to use it as a basic during setup, but you can choose not to do it.

    (ps: you can't infinite loop, your deck still has to contain a basic Pokémon)

  • PachirisuFan1
    PachirisuFan1 Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
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    That still sounds like an exploitable issue though? Because "deliberately wasting peoples' time" is a real strategy that sometimes crops up. being able to simply choose to mull in that scenario only makes 13+ mulligans in a row and counting sound fully intentional on the player's part.