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What's with zeroark

zeroark I can't seem to use, his shadow claw tactics is too complicated, I read the moves description yet I always never see the last of his boosted moves and stops at the middle mostly ,due to this I can,t ambush targets when needed and becomes a side joke whenever it comes to my mind . Who am I kidding it's like I waisted my aeos cash on something not useless but that can,t use how is this frustrating Shadow claw combo achievable. I see other's use it quite well-_-.

Best Answer

  • KaustikHippy
    KaustikHippy Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Photogenic 5 Agrees Name Dropper
    #2 Answer ✓

    I was going to get zoroark last night with a free license box (from limited choices) but after going to the practice arena and testing out the moves I decided to go with clefable since I don’t have a support license and already have absol and zeraora. The point is that ever since I tried playing mew without any idea of what to expect I will always go to the practice area before just purchasing all willy nilly