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Please consider making changes to the league ranking system.

Can you confirm that there is a hidden match making skill rating or elo used to pair opponents together? I'm currently working under this assumption.

The issue with this is, if you have a high hidden elo and don't play very often you'll get reset to 200, but you'll still be playing against other players with high elo. So getting out of poke-league requires you to win games against other players with high elo instead of only players also in the 200s. Even if you have a 60% win record against these higher players you don't have anything to show for it because 3 wins and 2 losses only nets you 1 win over 5 games. Meanwhile a player of a similar skill on a new account will be playing against new players and skyrocket through the lower league levels.

An easy fix for this would be to remove the hidden MMR and just pair people closest to their league rank.

An alternative fix would be to remove the rank reset for anyone under ultra ball. Reset Arceus league to Master, Master league to Ultra Ball, Ultra ball to the start of Ultra Ball, everyone else keeps their rank (or reset to the start of whatever tier they were in maybe).


  • Bhramavi
    Bhramavi Member Posts: 51
    10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Agrees 5 Likes

    yeah that should be the case the last ladder match I worked hard to push but now I just play to complete dailypass cause I m bored with just playing 3 deck I could make with little credits. they are not generous to new player.

    But yeah after last ladder match I couldn't able to win very often. even though I play one or two match.