Pokemon with Hard Pronunciations?

Ok, so I saw @UnovanZorua say that Vivillon is supposed to be pronounced "Viviyon". I thought it was always "Vivillion", and then that started turning my gears to remember other Pokemon names that are terribly pronounced.
Silvally is probably the one I mispronounce the most, since it's actually called "Silva-lie", but I always thought it was (and will always call it) "Sil-valley".
I think the Vivillon thing was something about how double ls are pronounced in another language or something.
And Silvally is supposed to mean Silver-ally, while its JP name is Silvady, from Silver and Buddy. I just needed to mention that and by the way did you know that in-universe Gladion named it. This is neccesary information and totally relevant. (Why do I even know all this stuff)
Anyway it's Arceus (pronouncing its name could start very long arguments).
Also maybe Manectric (its name comes from mane and electric so you're supposed to say mane-ectric instead of man-ectric).
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Arceus is clearly Ark-ee-us or is the phone in Legends Arceus the ars-phone?
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It was originally going to be said as Ar-see-us, but they noticed that it sounded like a not very good word and made it Ar-kee-us.
It's said as "A-ru-se-u-su" in Japanese though (their letters work differently)
But half the players say it as Ar-see-us while the other says Ar-kee-us, creating a lot of arguments about it.
(Also they say the version with "kee" in the movies instead of the original version)
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@UnovanZorua Assuming that the etymology comes from Greek or Latin, I understand that a 'c' always has a hard pronunciation, so I believe it would be ar-kay-us. The Japanese is アルセウス (aruseus, ah-ru-se-oo-su) so suggests that the soft 'c' would be correct. I tend to go with the original language of the creators and the source material when it comes to these kinds of disputes, in this case Japanese, so I would go with the soft 'c'.
Also, being British, it sounds funnier to me.
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As you can see, a person could EASILY start an argument about the pronunciation. I didn't, and there isn't an argument here, but it'd be very easy for someone to start one.