Rip windows 7 and 8. Please port the desktop version of the game to Nintendo switch.

I get it windows 7 and 8 are old and have security vulnerabilities but dang they could have at least gave a heads up like. Oh yeah were gonna drop support on these older OS or something. But nope they just kept us in the dark as usual. well I don't have the means to upgrade my OS and the mobile version of the game is terrible. maybe if they port the desktop version to the switch I'll play again but for now I guess I'll just have to stick to irl play.
@TechHog I fully understand that the game is a train wreck full of bugs, glitches and loading errors. Also I never said that it was a good idea, realistically its a terrible idea because the game is far from being finished. but if the devs are gonna pretend the game is out of beta and "fully released" then they should have it on all platforms.
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Next year they'll switch to Windows 11 Service Pack 2, KBupdate 95326917.683 release candidate and require chrome 596.2a browser to download the installer or maybe firefox 952.14.
Fortunately your copy of W11 will be compatible with those browsers (for a week or two), unlike Steam which (because of the internal browser the client alledgedly requires) will also reach Adobe Flash-inspired W7 forced obsolescence in 83 days and counting.
Why it can't run game netcode using the inbuilt TCP/IP stack I don't know but it can't send device-targeted advertisements or run the DLC marketplace properly without a HTML5+ browser and a cloudflare fingerprinting service, I guess.
As a random bonus, my copy of Chrome contantly tells me I need to send Microsoft money as future updates require Windows10 or later. I'm now Just waiting for the banking websites to require that version of a web browser for oft-claimed yet rarely proven "security reasons" that in reality is more to do with some jumped-up web designer loading the page with polyfill commands to display a scalable text image or whatever it is these idiots get up to that makes the site full of unecessary javascipt nonsense.
Welcome to the future. Don't forget to buy a new mobile phone with DNA profiling tech to access your "SocialMeeds" (or your ration "card") and console yourselves with the knowledge that as it still isn't an RFID chip that its' not some sort of comedy christian control network(!)
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@TechHog All I'm saying is that it should be on other platforms. And my pc isn't an issue aside from me not not wanting to update to windows 10
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Also want to point out that Windows 7 has 3.3% market share out of Windows versions. Adding in Mac and Linux makes that even lower. It's not forced obsolescence; it's just plain obsolete. It'll be 14 years old in less than 2 weeks. It's time to move on.
Or should they go back, bring back support, and add XP as well? 2000? 95?
Supporting platforms isn't free. These devs need to hire teams to test every OS they support, especially if certain features are incompatible with older ones. Of course they aren't gonna want to invest in <4% of the market.
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No, it shouldn't be on other platforms considering the state it's in and the likely more limited budget than you realize. (No, it doesn't have access to the full revenue of the Pokémon IP.) And where does that stop? Should it be on PS5 and Xbox too?
And again, you choosing to stay on an outdated platform is your problem, not the devs.
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All I'm saying is that it should be on other platforms. As far specs go my computer more then capable aside from the OS needing to be win 10 or above. And my pc is more then enough for win 10.