What do you think of the original dragon Pokémon from the Unova region?

I was thinking now, who would be the legendary Original Dragon Pokémon of the Unova region, would it be a mix of Reshiram and Zekrom and maybe Kyurem, I was thinking about it now, and I confess that the fifth generation of Pokémon is my favorite, I love the Pokémon Black and White games, I really hope to know who the Original Dragon Pokémon is, and I will wait a long time to hear it, what do you think about the original dragon Pokémon that is said in the Pokémon legends of the Pokémon Black and White games
Definitely, although I think the original dragon Pokémon was kind of revealed in B2W2 with the fusion of Kyurem with Reagiram or Zekrom
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It would probably be in a Legends game.
Spoilers for a boss in PLA's postgame
We might get a Giratina in PLA like situation but impossibly hard where we fight the original dragon and then have to fight all three legendaires in a row without any healing between fights. That'd be funny.
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It would be interesting if the Original Dragon was a Dragon, Fire, and Electric type, or just be pure Dragon type.