Pokemon with hidden meanings?

Now, when I say hidden meaning, I don't mean something basic, like the mash-up that makes it's name, but instead something hidden only truly creative people could find.
First up, Tatsugiri's shinies represent sushi toppings. The Curly form is shrimp and soy sauce, the Droopy form is Cod/Halibut, and the Stretchy form is salmon, each named after the quality of the meat. And also, Mareep is yellow, and has horns, so it's funny that Mareep backwards is Peeram. Get it? Cuz it's a ram and it's yellow? I thought it was funny.
Pheromosa' shiny has black legs. Like Lusamine's outfit (probably meaning that Lusamine wanted to cosplay an Ultra Beast with her daughter (Lillie's first outfit looks like Nihilego), but wanted to wear more than one colour and chose the shiny version).
I would show a photo of it but I forgot where the photo button was.